User story

User story

Helps us to stay in touch without being over bearing at the same time

Using waffle with :

My friends

Waffle has given me a way to connect with my friend during the summer because all of us are busy and away during that time.

This app allows me to answer and compare answers with my other friends (sophia and percy). The question waffle asks are fun and easy to understand. It lets me know what my friends are thinking without having to ask.

Waffle also lets us jot down whatever we’re thinking and shares it with the other group member.

It’s helps us to stay in touch without being over bearing at the same time.




Jul 14, 2023

Documenting my mental health journey and my progress

Using waffle with :


It holds me accountable to keep using the app and add photos and memories.

It shows me what I've done that has improved my life and what hasn't worked. I like adding emojis to make my journal posts cuter and looking back makes me smile when I see it all.

The one journal I am using right now is just for me, but I would be excited to try out journaling with someone else who also likes journaling.




Jul 25, 2023

We communicate much better when we can journal about our days on Waffle

Using waffle with :

My long-distance partner

I use it by myself for journaling, and with my partner to stay more connected while we’re longer distance.

We communicate much better when we journal about our days and react to them. Journaling together allows us to see a more complete picture of each other's day.

This is especially important because we're both autistic, and talking about our days can lead to tangents and become particularly challenging when we go non-verbal.

So having the ability to type out all our thoughts and experiences without interruption enables us to be more thorough and well-thought-out.




Jul 27, 2023

Express myself fully with no judgment

Using waffle with :

My boyfriend

I use Waffle to journal about my feelings and about major events that occur in my life! I don’t really use Waffle with other people, but it’s really enjoyable to write with or without others!

Waffle has brought positive changes to my life because I’ve been able to express myself fully with no judgment in the app. There’s just something about Waffle that makes me prefer journaling there than in other apps!

Waffle has also brought positive changes to my relationship because my boyfriend was able to see how I felt during certain situations and was also able to write his own stuff on the app.

I genuinely prefer using Waffle over other apps! I’ve been using it since my freshman year of high school and I’ve loved it ever since.




Jul 29, 2023

Feel more cherished by the other

Using waffle with :

My wife

My wife and I share a journal, used mostly for positive affirmations.

We try to leave a comment day about something that we appreciate or like about each other. We also use it to post about meaningful memories and times that we want to remember.

The daily questions are great; we sometimes answer those as a way to get to know each other more.

This has helped us become closer and feel more cherished by the other.




Jul 30, 2023

I do not feel as alone in life and am starting to feel better

Using waffle with :

My best friend

I find satisfaction in sharing feelings with someone else who also feels the same way as me, I am not alone.

I do not feel as alone in life and am starting to feel better, I have struggled with different things and I want people to know that no matter how they are feeling there is someone out there who feels the exact same way.

I am growing and learning things from the way that we all share with each other things about our day and life. I hope I can continue to find people to do that with, I am trying to help change people for the better.

I can try to help just by sharing things with the people I am closest to.




Jul 30, 2023

Helped me to stay off social media

Using waffle with :

My long-distance best friend

Waffle has helped my long distance best friend and I reconnect after the Air Force decided we couldn't live in the same state anymore thanks to a classic PCS.

We were roommates for a little under a year out in Texas and grew such a unique bond/friendship through deep early morning conversations, afternoon runs/hikes and being there for one another day in and day out through difficult situations.

We have struggled to plan FaceTime chats with both of our busy schedules and being on vastly different time zones.

Waffle created a wonderful avenue for us to continue to share in each other's day as well as discuss and reflect on deep topics, while not feeling guilty for not being able to answer the phone.

It's given us a vessel to feel like we are able to share in a special moment together, while not requiring that they respond right away or stop why they're doing and answer a phone call/FT.

It also feels more personalized and has helped me to stay off socials more because I'm bonding with my close knit crew, which holds a deeper meaning to me.

I'm very thankful for this app :)




Jul 31, 2023

I love when I get a notification

Using waffle with :

My family

I have an account with my husband and each of my children, separately. I love sending them notes.

I try to capture memories throughout the week to share. The daily question helps prompt me when I don’t have an idea on my mind.

I love when I get a notification that I have a note from one of my loved ones. It lifts my spirits to know someone is thinking of me. I also enjoy giving that joy to someone else by sending notes, thoughts and memories to them.

It is a great way for me and my husband to connect. It is a special part of our relationship that we share, just the two of us.

Thank you Waffle for creating an app that allows me to share my love, from writing a simple note to composing paragraphs.




Aug 1, 2023

A way to bond deeper

Using waffle with :

My boyfriend

I use it with my boyfriend and we make lists on things we want to do together as a couple and things we like about each other in the relationship to see how we develop and what works and what doesn’t in our relationship.

It has Improved our overall communication, it’s nice being able to write something down and knowing they’ll see it and take it constructively since that’s what we use it for.

The little daily questions that are nice conversation starters and often are a way to bond a lil deeper.

We also have a journal called quotes that has silly lil lines that we say and we put them there to revisit for a laugh. We have one where we update about specific things that happen throughout our day without the other.




Aug 2, 2023

Shows me different ways my boyfriend is thinking about me and his feelings

Using waffle with :

My boyfriend

I use Waffle to keep my boyfriend updated on my life since we are long distance at the moment and also use the prompts to learn more about each other.

My boyfriend and I are closer by using Waffle and it lets us get to know each other better due to the prompts that ask questions that we wouldn’t even think to ask each other.

By using Waffle, it shows me different ways my boyfriend is thinking about me and his feelings even when he’s not telling me verbally how he feels.

I get to know the inner workings of his brain due to the thought provoking questions as well as wake up to cute messages.

It has let us become closer as partners and I’m grateful for this app.




Aug 2, 2023

Waffle helps take distance away

Using waffle with :

My best friend

I use Waffle daily to keep in touch with my best friend who moved to Hawaii, which is about a 10-hour flight from where I live. It's been amazing for us to share anything and everything with each other.

Waffle has enabled us to continue sharing things we wouldn't normally remember, certain mundane details I wouldn't bother sending in a text, but things I would definitely tell my best friend when I saw her every day!

Right before she left, I had just moved to the side of town where she lived, and we were practically neighbors. It was amazing. But then she moved, which was an incredible opportunity for her, but it definitely makes hanging out all the time much harder.

Waffle helps take that distance away by letting us share anything all of the time without sending a text!

I really enjoy the app specifically because it’s like instagram but far more private and just for us, and it’s less pressure than a text or a phone call so we can share anything whenever.

This is really great for time zones, neither of us have to worry about missing something from the other.




Aug 4, 2023

We spent our entire anniversary just writing essays for each other

Using waffle with :

My long-distance girlfriend

Whenever me and my girlfriend are going through a bad time, (We're LDR) I'll just send a haiku or a small quip about our day. That makes moments feel closer.

The app just brought us closer man. Like really close dude. We ended up having a hidden love for poetry due to its journalistic nature of the app.

It was like an immortal unbreakable super cool notebook. It got me into journaling more about the little things, made me appreciate life more and just her in general in writing.

We spent our entire anniversary just writing essays for each other on that app, and much much more love letter that was made easier due to the app.




Aug 6, 2023

It's something I get to look forward to everyday

Using waffle with :

My girlfriend, best friend, and roommates

I use Waffle with my long distance girlfriend.

We use it to document our days, so that even when we don’t get to talk much, we have entries to go over and look at. It helps us keep up with day to day experiences we are having while being so far apart.

I also use Waffle with my long distance best friend and my roommate to have conversations that are hard to have in person in order to address our conflicts.

It is one of the many ways me and my partner stay connected, but it especially helps us focus on some of the more happy moments we have and want to share. We use it to gossip, share stories, leave recaps, and sometimes just write about how we appericiate our relationship.

I love it because it's something I get to look forward to everyday, and has helped me get into the habit of journaling more frequently!




Aug 6, 2023

Allows me to connect in a unique way with my boyfriend

Using waffle with :

My boyfriend

I essentially use waffle to write love letters to my long distance boyfriend.

It allows us to leave sweet reminders to one another throughout the day! We also have a journal together where we share date ideas for the future.

It allows me to connect in a unique way with my boyfriend and lets us express our feelings whenever we want!

It’s a lot more efficient and quick especially when we don’t have the time or aren’t able to be near a place to send letters, as my boyfriend often goes out into the woods and camps for his work, leaving us with our phones to correspond with.

Waffle lets me look back at our journal entries and helps me feel closer to him.

I absolutely love waffle and how it’s formatted. The customization of the journals to the shared entries are absolutely beautiful and help me connect more with my partner.




Aug 9, 2023

Using Waffle for at least two years, and it's been excellent

Using waffle with :

My friends

I use it with my friends to document fun times we had with each other. It allowed us to connect with each other personally even when we were physically away from each other.

From silly quotes we say to each other, pictures of our pets, to heartfelt conversations, I’m so happy to have all these instances documented in a cute journal with everyone.

At this point, we have been using Waffle for at least two years, and our experiences with the app have been excellent. I’m also thinking of recommending the app to my family as well.




Aug 9, 2023

We've grown closer together because of Waffle

Using waffle with :

My friends

I use Waffle with my friends to keep a gratitude journal, and since we get notified whenever someone posts an entry, it reminds us to write something of our own.

Keeping a consistent effort with journaling has always been a struggle, even though the benefits of keeping a journal are significant.

With Waffle, it keeps everyone accountable because it notifies you when someone posts an entry.

Keeping a gratitude journal every day has greatly impacted my life and the lives of my friends. We're happier because of it, and we've grown closer together because of Waffle, too.




Aug 12, 2023

Taking some intentional time out of the day to use Waffle

Using waffle with :

My long-distance girlfriend

My girlfriend and I post daily lists of things that made us smile, for the other to read, mostly while we are long distance for school.

It is a good way to reflect on the joys of my day and to experience those of the people I love.

It has helped my girlfriend and I appreciate our lives and each other more by taking some intentional time out of the day to use Waffle.

This has especially helped my girlfriend to recenter at the end of the day and see the many good parts of life that are easily drowned out.

Waffle also helps us keep what we write over time, as there's not another convenient day to do that and share it in the same place.




Aug 14, 2023

I love Waffle and what it's done for our relationship

Using waffle with :

My long-distance partner

I use Waffle with my long-distance boyfriend, Randy.

We have been using it since October of last year, looking for ways we can further connect with each other when I moved back across the country for college.

Having a shared journal has been amazing for our relationship to grow. It also helps grow our relationship with ourself by reflecting on what we have experienced each day.

I love talking to him about our journals and the prompts given to us by Waffle has also made it fun when we have a slow day.

I love Waffle and what it's done for our relationship.




Aug 16, 2023

We're both incredibly happy

Using waffle with :

My girlfriend

My girlfriend and I use Waffle almost every day.

Our relationship has been long-distance since the start, and we started using Waffle as a means for improving our communication during the times when we're apart.

In some ways, Waffle played a big role in saving our relationship. My girlfriend and I had been friends for over a year before we started dating, so once we hit a pretty rough patch about a month in, I was scared that I'd not only lose my girlfriend, but my best friend also.

The problems we were facing mostly had to do with a lack of communication, and I was ultimately drawn to Waffle because of its daily prompts -- which I thought would help us get to know each other better by finding new things to talk about.

A month later, we're both incredibly happy, and the distance between us has become a lot less daunting because of how easily we open up to one another now.




Aug 19, 2023

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants

Using waffle with :

My friends

Me and my best friends have a diary where we write all about our day.

It has made us all feel closer especially over the summer holidays. We wanted to do a diary where we swapped them when we met up but because of holidays and time it would have clashed.

My inspiration was the sisterhood of the traveling pants (I think that’s the name). So I searched up an online diary and immediately knew Waffle was the one. It was so pure and cute. We have been using it for about a month and love it. It’s the best thing. It’s like an updated BeReal.

When my friend says "Waffle time, people" at the end of the day, my face lights up as I’m piqued with interest as to what my friends have been up to.

What I love is that it’s so authentic and sometimes when we don’t have the energy to write it we keep it short and sweet.




Aug 22, 2023

Get to know each other better even though we've been married for 20 years

Using waffle with :

My husband

My husband and I use the Waffle to connect when he travels for work.

It's a way that allows us to more creatively converse than sending text messages, and the journal prompts are a fun way to talk about things that we wouldn't necessarily think of otherwise.

Waffle has enabled us to maintain great conversation, which has helped us to remain close even when we are apart because of work trips.

I also enjoy the continued prompted questions, as it helps us to laugh and get to know each other better even though we've been married for 20 years.

The ease of using the app makes it convenient to jump into conversations when possible, which is much better than our previous version of a shared handwritten notebook.

We love Waffle and hope to continue using it to stay connected.




Aug 23, 2023

Tell each other how much we appreciate each other

Using waffle with :

My fiancé

I use the waffle daily with my fiancé.

We have a weird sleep schedule so I tend to send him my thoughts and little notes at varies times while he is asleep and he does the same thing for me.

I feel like while it hasn't been that long it will surely strength our bond because we can tell each other how much we appreciate each other.

Having a platform I can engage and leave my thoughts on for him that is entirely private and made around that process has been really nice.

I feel like this would also be great for long distance friends as well. Surely, the fact you would take time out of your day to share your thoughts with your loved ones would be highly appreciated.

I can't wait for it allow the bond I share with my fiancé to grow even further as I use this app more.




Aug 24, 2023

A chance to communicate in a lot of ways our relationship was lacking

Using waffle with :

My partner, sisters and myself

I use waffle with my partner, my sisters, and myself.

Waffle has giving me and my partner a chance to communicate in a lot of ways our relationship was lacking.

So it’s improved how we view each other instead of guessing or having to ask and them not knowing how to respond.

The app has changed my life for the better because I can keep all my problems in one place and look back into how a specific person was feeling on an issue they had with me or life.




Aug 31, 2023

Look back on my Waffle while in therapy

Using waffle with :

My boyfriend and therapist

Recently, I’ve been trying to journal my boyfriend and I’s relationship thy has been ongoing for almost 6 years.

I figured that i journaling app would be easier than a physical journal. I also use waffle to journal about vacations I’ve taken, as well as a daily diary.

Waffle allows for me and my boyfriend to connect and to share and relive these positive memories.

I also use waffle to journal about vacations I’ve taken, which allows for me to easily look back on memories. I like Waffle because I can easily share any journal to my loved ones and stay connected.

Waffle is also easy to use / user friendly. Lastly, I enjoy using Waffle because I am able to get my thoughts out and journaling about my daily life.

I like to look back on my Waffle diary journal while in therapy as I can easily have all of my thoughts organized and ready for my session!




Sep 1, 2023

The perfect find for sharing food logs

Using waffle with :

My sister

My sister and I use Waffle as a daily food log. We use it for accountability and to track habits.

Though food journaling may not be the original intent of the app, Waffle has been the perfect find for sharing food logs.

I searched and searched the App Store for a health/fitness app that could connect my sister and I with tracking our diet. My search came up empty until I thought to look for an app outside of the health niche.

Waffle is the perfect fit for us!

We’re both busy moms who can just eat our kids’ leftovers if we’re not intentional about getting proper nutrition. I love that we can quickly track our day and see each other’s progress too.




Sep 4, 2023

Connect on deeper levels

Using waffle with :

My long-distance boyfriend

I use Waffle with my long distance boyfriend, and we do daily recaps of our days and feelings and use the questionnaire feature to learn more about ourselves and each other.

I met my boyfriend the summer I came back from my freshman year of college. We decided we liked each other enough to tackle the challenge of long distance (LA — Boston).

Waffle is one way to stay connected as well as to connect on deeper levels. I look forward to writing my daily entries for him to read multiple times a day!

The question of the day has brought us to really look into ourselves and our relationship, bringing us closer together.

It’s also a fun way to share moments and images in one place, giving us something to look back on when we finally break the distance for good.




Sep 6, 2023

Continued to feel less and less anxious

Using waffle with :

My friend

It helped me explain more about how I feel about the relationship with my friend.

We understood each other better when it came to our romantic feelings for each other. Waffle was great for me because I have a hard time expressing myself in word in front of a person especially someone I have romantic feeling for.

I was about to leave my thought there and he would read them. It's not like I was texting him but sending him letters and I continued to feel less and less anxious around him when talking about sad topics.




Sep 11, 2023

Allows me to vent in a constructive way

Using waffle with :

My friend

I use my waffle account with my best friends and it helps me keep my thoughts in one place.

It allows me to vent in a constructive way!

Waffle journal is such an amazing app and allows me to formulate my thoughts and keep them organized in a way that will be extra helpful for me when I want to refer back to them in therapy sessions.

It also continues to be a wonderful addition to my day to day life and allows me to fully appreciate writing out my own story in a way others can understand.




Sep 11, 2023

Connect on a deeper level

Using waffle with :

My mom

I had been going through a difficult time, dealing with the passing of several loved ones. I found myself spiralling to an increasingly dark place, unable to appreciate the beautiful things in life.

My mom noticed I was struggling and suggested we use a Waffle journal as an outlet for emotions, while also encouraging ourselves to note and share the simple pleasures in our every day lives with each other.

The Waffle journal has allowed me and my mom to connect on a deeper level, and stay up to date on both of our daily experiences.

It's given me a tremendous outlet to offload my thoughts in written form, and has helped me maintain a more balanced mental state by pushing me to register the beauty of life (in addition to the challenges).

It's also helped me and my mom feel less isolated, since we both spend extended periods of time alone.




Sep 12, 2023

A safe space for us to share our emotions without judgment

Using waffle with :

My boyfriend and friends

I've noticed that it's helped out with communicating our concerns and feeling to each other.

Both me and my boyfriend struggle with sharing our feeling (me more than him). Granted we both been through a lot with our pasts.

Our journal provides a safe space for us to share our emotions without judgment. It also has allowed to be able to open up more with each other. We can share our funny moments, our sad moments and our happy moments.




Sep 17, 2023

Has been really helpful to connect with friends from college

Using waffle with :

My friends from college

My friends from college, we use it to keep in touch with each other even tho we don’t see each other as often.

Keeping in contact with friends and knowing what’s going on in their lives. Also journaling has helped me organize my thoughts and feel less chaotic.

Being able to easily document what’s going on in my life and my feeling towards it has been really helpful.

I don’t feel as dependent on having to vent out my thoughts to others since I can write it out on Waffle instead.




Sep 22, 2023

Allows us to communicate even when we are both busy

Using waffle with :

My best friend

I use waffle with my best friend. She lives very far away, and we have a book club together.

We use waffle to write about the books we read. We also have a separate journal together where we post photos of clouds and write notes to each other.

It allows me to still do fun activities with my best friend who I only get to physically see about once a year. I live in the south west of England and she lives in the Isle of Skye, Scotland.

It allows us to enjoy a hobby together! It allows us to communicate even when we are both busy. It allows a different avenue of communication which can be expressive, without it being a texted back and forth conversation.

It’s a great app. Glad I found it. Thank you.




Sep 24, 2023

Dive deeper with our connection

Using waffle with :

My partner

My partner and I use it as a means to keep connected while I am away for work.

It's helpful as a place to leave notes and thoughts that are separate from our day to day conversation.

The daily questions add to ways we are getting to know each other. We also share pictures and use our own questions to dive deeper with our connection.

Sometimes I'm on different hours than her, so it's a cool spot that I can leave random thoughts.




Sep 27, 2023

Allows me to connect with my partner without missing life outside my phone

Using waffle with :

My partner

Waffle has been great in allowing me to connect with my partner without missing life outside my phone.

We take a quick snapshot of what we're doing, caption it to let the other know what's happening, then we move on with what we're doing.

It's a great way to connect and do independent tasks without making it feel lonely.




Sep 28, 2023

It’s how I connect with my friends and I love it

Using waffle with :

My friends

I love it. I use it with my friends to connect with people and tell each other about school since we go to different schools.

It helps me connect with my friends since I moved away, and we talk about school and gossip😏 Thank you people at waffle for making this all possible!

It’s how I connect with my friends since one of them does not a have a phone number and cannot text. I love it!!!!!




Oct 2, 2023

Makes it easier to share my thoughts and feelings with my husband

Using waffle with :

My husband

I keep a relationship journal with my husband and a food journal for my health.

Waffle makes it easier to share my thoughts and feelings with my husband in the short term, and it allows us to revisit our journey with pictures and daily entries in the long term.

The daily questions target both the individual and the relationship to surface questions you normally wouldn't think to ask.




Oct 3, 2023

A great way to express how much you love your partner

Using waffle with :

My partner

I use the app with my girlfriend every day.

Positive changes that Waffle has made on my relationship is that it shows how much we love each other.

We do it as early in the morning but also really late.

It's a great way to express how much you love your partner in lots of different ways and gets us to talk about lots of different subjects.




Oct 17, 2023

A journal for processing things related to my relationship

Using waffle with :

My partner

I made a journal for processing things related to my relationship, one for saving the haikus my partner writes to me, and then we have our shared one to write goofy things and "I love you"s to each other.

I want to get my other friends in on it so we can write to each other more regularly.




Oct 18, 2023

Helps to build relationships as adults

Using waffle with :

My mom and sister

I use Waffle daily to connect with my mom and sister, and build our relationship as adults.

My mom, sister and I live in three different states. The prompts have allowed us to discuss new topics, reminisce about memories and all in all connect on a deeper level.

We still text, but those are usually in the moment texts here and there. Now we reach out to each other more and often talk about the prompts from Waffle.




Oct 26, 2023

Lets you share something that can be embarrasing to your partner without directly bringing it up

Using waffle with :

My girlfriend

Waffle lets you share something that can be embarrasing to your partner without directly bringing it up.

Everyday me and my partner answer the daily question (they are very thought provoking!), and write a journal entry at the end of the day.

It helps me and my girlfriend be better connected, as well as learn how each other's day went.

It's great, because occasionally it can be embarrassing to bring up something that happened during the day in conversation.

But writing it in Waffle let's you share it to your partner without directly bringing it up.




Oct 30, 2023

Helps me see what she needs help with so I can give it to her

Using waffle with :

My partner

I use waffle everyday not only to keep in touch with my partner, but also learn about the things in their story that have made them who they are.

Waffle has helped me understand my lover and what she has been through so I can comfort her.

She has old trauma from a bad relationship in the past, and she relies on me to help her.

Luckily, waffle helps me see what she needs help with so I can give it to her. Not only that, but we also get to understand each other in ways we normally wouldn't.

Using waffle has helped me and my lover have a more connected and happy relationship together.




Nov 21, 2023

I'm using Waffle as a wedding gift

Using waffle with :

My future husband

I'm using Waffle as a wedding gift.

I'm making a journal specifically for my future husband. I'm answering questions about him, our relationship, & including other stories that aren't sparked by prompts. He does not know about this app & I plan to give him access the night before our wedding.

It has made me examine & discover how much I appreciate my relationship. I couldn't ask for a more loving or supportive man. My future husband & I really are perfect for one another.

I cannot wait to give him this journal, but I'm secretly hoping that we don't get married too soon so I can make the journal as detailed & intricate as possible.




Nov 6, 2023

It's a form of therapy. Brought me and my sister closer than ever.

Using waffle with :

My sister

The Waffle app has brought me and my sister closer than ever. It's a form of therapy as well because I'm able to share any thought that crosses my mind with my sister anytime, anywhere.

Traveling has become stress-free because I'm now able to plan everything ahead of time and visualize it before sharing it with whoever I'm traveling with.

Knowing that I can easily build a plan with other people around the world through the Waffle app makes me feel at ease.

Overall, the app helps us keep our bond tight despite the long distance between us and it feels like we are an old couple because we share everything on there.




Nov 19, 2023

Working through tough topics has become so much easier for us

Using waffle with :

My significant other

I have a shared journal with my significant other so we can work through problems without getting caught up in the moment and it is really making a difference for us.

I've tried similar apps and real world journals but he never used them more than once. For whatever reason, this one works for him. I also keep a journal for myself and one I'll share with my son's when they're older.

Working through tough topics has become so much easier for us, there's real communication that happens now.

The prompts and questions make it easy to find something to write about and the remind feature is great.




Dec 6, 2023

Helps me get out my feelings without having to burden someone else

Using waffle with :

My partner

I use Waffle to describe my day to my partner. It helps me get out my feelings without having to burden someone else.

If there's anything that annoys me or makes me happy or something I want to remember I can look back at it and learn from it or have it stored to refer to later.

I forget everything so it's very helpful to keep memories of experiences.




Dec 13, 2023

Keeps us strong and connected

Using waffle with :

My partner

My partner and I use this journal to help us journal our memorable and loving moments together, so we can look back and cherish them whenever we want to take a trip down memory lane.

I have a fading memory, and often have a hard time with self assurance in relationships, while my partner likes to bond over special moments together.

Waffle has allowed us to journal our relationship in a special and unique way that keeps us strong and connected.

The daily questions also help our relationship grow with new insight we gain with one another.




Dec 16, 2023

Really positive tool

Using waffle with :

My son and my husband

I use Waffle to write about moments from my day with my son.

A friend told me she wishes she'd written down the little things, so that's what I do. My husband can see my entries and see what we've been up to.

It's been a really positive tool to use for me to reflect on the day and take note of the little moments that made the day special. I love that you can add a photo for each entry aswell.

It's a great way to capture moments and keep record of things I am grateful for. I love that I can share it with my husband too.




Dec 25, 2023

Allows us to have smaller updates throughout the day with no added pressure

Using waffle with :

My partner

More communication on a regular basis which helps us strive to grow and learn together but also keeps us updated on each other's lives throughout the day.

That really helps, especially when texting or calling can be too overwhelming or stressful.

Waffle allows us to have smaller updates throughout the day with no added pressure.




Jan 3, 2023

Helped us so much with our communication while going through a difficult time

Using waffle with :

My spouse

I use Waffle with my spouse who is deployed over seas in the army. Everyday we journal what we did that day, how we felt, and upload any pictures we took from that day.

Sometimes it’s hard to connect with my spouse when we are in an 8 hour difference time zone. Using waffle has helped us be able to stay in touch even when we’re on opposite sides of the world.

This has helped us so much with our communication while going through a difficult time.




Jan 7, 2024

When we are upset and can’t seem to communicate well with each other

Using waffle with :

My partner

We are able to use the app when we are upset and can’t seem to communicate well with each other.

It allows us to write out our feelings and the other person can read and understand what is said and felt. We have trouble communicating how we feel sometimes without the other person being defensive or without it being taken then wrong way.

Journaling on Waffle helps with this.




Jan 18, 2024

Discuss the things that really matter to us in a non confrontational way

Using waffle with :

My teenage daughter

I use the app to communicate with my teenage daughter.

This app has allowed us to talk about things that are not easy to talk about in person and to discuss the things that really matter to us in a non confrontational way. Also allows us to stay in touch when apart.




Feb 12, 2024

Made us more engaged with each other in our daily lives and talk more than ever before.

Using waffle with :

My two best friends

I use Waffle with my two best friends.

We update the journal entries with the daily questions to learn more about each other that doesn’t normally come up in casual conversation.

It’s brought me closer to the people that I care most about in this world.

By learning more about them through the questions or any random thoughts they have, I feel I get to know them even better than before.

We’re more engaged with each other in our daily lives and talk more than ever before.

I just like the app a lot.




Oct 2, 2023

My digital journal for writing and inspiration

Using waffle with :


It's my digital journal for writing and inspiration.

I can look at my entries on my phone no matter where I am. The app is very organized so I can have multiple journals with different categories. It's an easy reference in case I need to remember something.

It's easy to use and I would recommend it. I use the app everyday for journaling.




Mar 22, 2024

Whenever we may feel a certain type of way

Using waffle with :

My partner

I use Waffle with my lovely partner and we encourage each other to put in a entry everyday and whenever we may feel a certain type of way.

It let me know how my partner thinks about things, what makes him happy, what makes him sad. What his inner thoughts are and it brought us so much closer.

He also got to find out how I think and what may bother me, what makes me happy or sad. It helped us communicate on a better level.




Mar 23, 2024

Relive our memories together

Using waffle with :

My girlfriend

My girlfriend and I have a shared journal where we keep special moments, scriptures, quotes, etc.

We just feel so cute and romantic sharing our memories. This was something that I wanted to do for my girlfriend for Valentine's Day and it just provided the perfect format to do it.

We are able to relive our memories together and remember how happy we make each other.

Waffle is so awesome and perfect for us!




Mar 23, 2024

Waffle has given peace of mind for me and my family

Using waffle with :

My mum and brother

Waffle has allowed me to go traveling, despite being on a recovery journey from an eating disorder.

At home I was having a food diary checked daily by my family, but traveling alone there was no easy way to set this up.

Waffle has provided a platform for me to photograph and post my food diary entries. On the diary my family can then check it daily and comment.

Waffle has given peace of mind for me and my family. I can be flexible and have a good trip but also ensure I am sticking to my meal plan.

The interface is good and the app very easy to use, too.


Waffle user


Mar 24, 2024

Improved both our communication and understanding of each other

Using waffle with :

My partner

Journaling together has improved both our communication and understanding of each other.

While we use our own prompts instead of Waffle's (it seems to be the only app to allow you to turn that off!) it has been a breeze and a joy to use!

I'm so glad to have found it after going through nearly a dozen apps that seemed promising, but wouldn't allow for enough freedom for what we needed.




Mar 25, 2024

Definitely helps us stay connected as we spread out across the country

Using waffle with :

Myself, my friends and family

I use Waffle mostly as a personal journal. I have a couple of friends I keep in touch with through different journals as well.

Waffle as provided a space for my thoughts as I've gone through some tough moments in my life.

I appreciate the daily journal entry suggestions on days I can't think of what to write.

And being able to share journals with family definitely helps us stay connected as we spread out across the country.




Mar 25, 2024

Help better connect with my feelings and share with my therapist

Using waffle with :

My therapist

My therapist recommended that I journal daily to help better connect with my feelings and what they might mean.

Waffle has been amazing because it's allowed me to write down my thoughts, attach images or screenshots of things that were important that day, and share all of this with my therapist so she can get an inside view of my thoughts.

It's been amazing for my growth and transformation!

I have a hard time writing in a traditional journal and so an electronic one, like Waffle, has made it far easier for me to get the thoughts and feelings out of my head.

I feel like I have a level of clarity around things I otherwise wouldn't have! I love the prompts that I'm given too as it gets me to think about other things and share those thoughts and feelings.




Mar 27, 2024

Feel seen, heard, and loved

Using waffle with :

My fiance

I use Waffle with my fiance. We take turns journaling in there to write about updates big and small!

Waffle brings my fiance and I closer together. It's the little things that maintain a strong relationship and make both partners feel seen, heard, and loved.

Waffle is one of those little things that reminds me that she's thinking of me and the joy we have together, and vice versa.

And we are reminding each other of these things, we are making it so that we DON'T accidentally make the other feel UNseen or UNheard.

With Waffle, we know the love and thoughtfulness is there. I enjoy getting a notification on Waffle, whether it's a new update, or a reminder to post my own.




Mar 27, 2024

Documenting our life together -- the highs, lows, and little things in between

Using waffle with :

My husband

My husband and I use Waffle as a shared journal.

Using Waffle has helped us reflect and practice gratitude in our relationship. We don't post every day, but we take turns documenting our life together -- the highs, lows, and little things in between.

We'll often write cute little love notes in our Waffle for the other to find later, too. It's been such a great tool for helping us build a strong foundation in our marriage.




Mar 27, 2024

Been able to tell my siblings my struggles and learn theirs

Using waffle with :

My brother, sister and partner

I use Waffle with my brother and sister as a siblings journal and I use it with my partner as a couples journal.

Waffle has really helped us form deeper connections. I've been able to tell my siblings my struggles and learn theirs and I've been able to form deeper connections with my partner by answering the daily questions or creating our own entries.

My brother lives in Louisiana and my sister lives in Texas and long distance sibling relationships are so hard and waffle helps us connect on a deeper level.




Mar 29, 2024

This app has made staying in touch much more accessible for us

Using waffle with :

My best friend

My best friend and I have been Journaling since we were in grade school. We are 40 years old now.

My best friend since the age of 9, Crystal, and I don't see each other as much as we used to, but this app has helped us stay connected and has made it fun for us to do so.

We can send photos and links, and it has helped improve our friendship.

We used to write in a book and swap it whenever we saw each other, but in our adult lives, this has become difficult. This app has made staying in touch much more accessible for us.




Mar 30, 2024

I feel more at ease expressing myself openly and honestly

Using waffle with :

My girlfriend

Waffle has significantly enriched my relationship with my partner by providing a comfortable space for us to connect on a deeper level.

While face-to-face communication is invaluable, there are moments when expressing intricate thoughts and emotions can feel daunting.

Waffle offers a relaxed environment where I feel more at ease expressing myself openly and honestly. It serves as a platform where we can engage in meaningful conversations, share our thoughts, dreams, and aspirations without the pressure of immediate responses or distractions.

This deeper level of connection strengthens our bond and fosters a greater understanding and appreciation for each other's perspectives and experiences.

I love this app, especially the suggested AI prompts. Makes it fun and easy to share with my self and partner.




Mar 31, 2024

An easy way to recognize each other for simple small things

Using waffle with :

My partner

Waffle is a great app, and a fantastic way for people to share thoughts, feelings and ideas.

I use Waffle with my partner as a way to celebrate little victories and positive daily events.

Waffle has helped my partner and I have an easy way to recognize each other for simple small things.

Sometimes as simple as writing an entry about how meaningful it is that one of us did a tedious chore, or how much fun we had on our date night, or even just as a place to express our love!




Apr 6, 2024

Keeping each other accountable

Using waffle with :

My childhood best friend

I use Waffle with my childhood best friend who lives in a different country on the other side of the world.

We are keeping each other accountable and also are able to journal what we are going through and be thankful for.

It has been a rough time in different aspects (me through motherhood and feeling loss of identity) for both of us (her going through a very difficult breakup).

Hoping this can bring us some peace during our day to meditate and focus on things that matter.




Apr 9, 2024

Really given us a way to be vulnerable

Using waffle with :

My girlfriend

I use waffle with my girlfriend. We started off as a distance relationship and it was a good way to put our thoughts down and allow us to share bigger ideas with out relying on text.

It also gave us space to reflect without the need to respond in the moment which is often the case via phone call. She's since been able to move closer but I still find it valuable.

I have a daily reminder set for 1pm and it just helps to keep her front of mind. I also like that I can scroll back through and see the subjects we've worked through. There are also special dates or moments that I can reference back to that help me be a more engaged partner.

It's given us a way to share about hard topics in a safe space. We don't always have time to sit down and have a deep conversation but to be able to read her thoughts and reflect on them has helped us grow as a couple.

We are both divorced and have kids so there are lots of different aspects to blending a family together. We also have different parts of our own stories that we are trying to work through. This has really given us a way to be vulnerable and break old habits.




Apr 11, 2024

A few minutes out of our day to stay connected

Using waffle with :

My long-distance friends

My friends and I rarely get to catch up face-to-face because of location and timezone differences.

Waffle helps us to take a few minutes out of our day to stay connected and keep each other accountable for our personal goals and stay up to date in regards to each other's lives.




Apr 12, 2024

Helped me keep track of thoughts I want to discuss with my therapist

Using waffle with :

My therapist

I use it as a therapy journal, and also use it to write short stories that only a select few people can read.

It's helped me get my thoughts out, both on the therapeutic side and my creative side.

The therapy journaling, especially, had helped me keep track of thoughts I want to discuss with my therapist, without having to carry a notebook.

On the creative side, it has helped me be able to write my stories without fears of people stumbling across what I've written.




Apr 17, 2024

This app helps me be who I am and keeps me safe.

Using waffle with :

My family and myself

I struggle with my mental health and so I have two journals: One for me personally, and the other for my family and I.

I use my personal journal to write about my day to day life, worries, and to track my mental health. I use my second journal to track my weight loss progress and to track my fitness.

I love using this app because it improves how i am able to track my mental health over time, and allows me to write how I am feeling without having a lot of physical journals that cost money.

It greatly improves my life and how I view myself and my mental health. This app helps me be who I am and keeps me safe.




Apr 25, 2024

Helps me a lot to accept and be more welcoming towards my feelings

Using waffle with :

My therapist

By using Waffle, I started to learn and to accept that my thoughts are valid, no matter what, they are there for a reason.

It helped me tons by learning to accept and be more welcoming towards my feelings, they aren't the "bad guy", rather they are there to protect me; even though sometimes they act out or act funny.

My emotions are normally all over the place, the fact that I am trying to do better, means that I'm in a good path, and I'm glad Waffle can help me by doing that.




Apr 22, 2024

Therapy for us

Using waffle with :

My ethical non-monogamy partner

I use waffle as a shared journaling spot for my ENM (Ethical non-monogamy) partner and I. It’s helpful to sometimes have someone’s raw feelings to understand and being able to journal to each other has greatly helped our communication skills and provided a sort of therapy for us both!

I feel like I am able to communicate better, I'm jotting down thoughts that I would have otherwise forgotten and it helps to have a journal buddy to hold each other accountable. We are able to share more open and honest feelings and get each other raw input on issues or how each other is feeling about topics that might otherwise be difficult to discuss.


Mariah Mc


Apr 26, 2024

Helped me encourage and uplift her

Using waffle with :

A young girl who is struggling

I am using a shared journal in waffle with a young girl who is struggling with mental health issues.

It is a place where I am encouraging her to write each day what she is grateful for. We can't be anxious and grateful at the same time. It is a great place for us to journal together and keep track of her progress.

It has helped me encourage this girl, uplift her and also it lets her know that I've usually written too and she has some support close by. She can access the journal when she wants, as well as it not alerting to others that she is writing in it.

Plus it is also a great way to check in and share day to day things that are happening and keep involved I each others lives from a distance.




Apr 28, 2024

Learn about his thoughts and feelings

Using waffle with :

My boyfriend, friends and myself

I use Waffle either as a journal for myself or with him but also to show off how cute my boyfriend is to my friends

It's nice to have a spot to have a stream of consciousness without spam texting and I don't have to worry about losing it eventually. I can keep it and look at it whenever I need to either read a comforting message or to learn about his thoughts and feelings. It's also a great space for me to articulate my thoughts better.




May 1, 2024

Helps us come together and spend a few moments thinking about our week/days

Using waffle with :

My partner

It helps us connect and also record memories for the week so that we can come back and look at things that have happened and things we have enjoyed and maybe not enjoyed. It helps us come together and spend a few moments thinking about our week/days and writing down our thoughts, which helps us to slow down for a bit.




May 9, 2024

Document dreams and thoughts

Using waffle with :

My best friend

Me and my best friend use the waffle app to share information, document dreams and thoughts.

It helps us share things easily and organize thoughts better. We can access an app from two different phones and can put things on for the both of us to see. Saved us a lot of convenience. We've logged our dreams, schedules, photos, silly questions.

Very good app overall.




May 11, 2024

Helped open a new line of communication for us

Using waffle with :

My boyfriend

I have been answering the Waffle of the Day question and then writing about how my day was and anything that's been on my mind. I share it with my boyfriend.

It has helped open a new line of communication for us. While I don't always have anything to write about, the waffle question of the day is a good " ice breaker."

Having the option for your partner to leave a comment is nice. My boyfriend can answer a question I've asked or comment on something I've mentioned which leads to more conversation.




Apr 14, 2024

A great help in talking over our feelings

Using waffle with :

My boyfriend

I use it with my boyfriend. I recently moved away to follow a new career path.

It has made it easier to maintain and keep my relationship in order. I have always struggled with communication and discussing my feelings.

It has been so easy to do that Waffle! We use it like a diary of sorts, and also have another one to plan out our schedule for each week.

It has been such a great help in talking over our feelings and things going on in our lives.




Apr 15, 2024

I use it nearly every day with my long distance boyfriend

Using waffle with :

My long-distance boyfriend

I use it nearly every day with my long distance boyfriend. We like to answer the daily prompts so we can learn more about each other.

I'd say it's made myself and my partner feel much closer to each other. The questions asked are genuine and interesting, and not necessarily something I'd think to ask him on my own. I'm always looking forward to seeing his answers and learning more about the way he thinks. He's said the same of my answers, too.

We both really enjoy answering the Waffle each day, especially because we live in different states right now. It makes us feel so much more connected and I really appreciate that about Waffle.




May 16, 2024

Honestly it's amazing

Using waffle with :

My long-distance girlfriend

I use it to learn and have fun with my girlfriend she lives in Texas and I live in GA so it's a nice way to be closer.

Honestly, it's amazing how we've learned so much about each other through waffle its really cool because it comes up with things that you'd never really think to ask personally so it helps it's also fun to keep streaks posting daily so it's also a fun little goal for the both of us.




May 17, 2024

A tool to share my thoughts, ideas, or things that resonate

Using waffle with :

My daughter

I use it to summerize important things that resonate with me from self help books that I read and it allows my daughter and I to write entries to each other if we want.

I am grateful that I can put my thoughts into writing and go back later to re-read them. I love the ability to share posts with my loved ones and we can write posts to each other. I enjoy the access from my phone and tablet. It is a tool to share my thoughts, ideas, or things that resonate.




May 22, 2024

Stay connected while we are separated due to the military

Using waffle with :

My Daughter

This app has helped my daughter and I stay connected while we are separated due to the military. We use FaceTime apps to chat but the Waffle app connects us on a more personal level and helps us bond.

The journal/question prompts are a fun way to learn interests about my daughter that I didn't even know she was interested in. We were excited to see each others replies every day.

Waffle has improved our lives by creating a space where we can stay connected, even while we are miles apart.




May 24, 2024

I use it with my wife to tell her that I love her

Using waffle with :

My wife

I use it with my wife to tell her that I love her. How important she is to me. How much life means to me now that she's here.

Waffle opens up a new avenue of communication that I never had before with my wife. It's a neat idea and I love the fact that you can see your communication evolve over time. I really love being able to tell my wife how I feel and leave little notes to her while she's busy.


Nate Holcomb


May 31, 2024

Made me feel vulnerable and close to her over long distances

Using waffle with :

My best friend

While I was studying abroad at the Universidad de Cantabria in Spain, my best friend was studying at Cornell University in New York. Everyday (or every few days if we're being completely honest) we would use the free version to post one picture and some stories from our day there.

Waffle has made it so much easier to stay in touch across a time difference of 6 hours. We would leave comments on each others and love having more a concrete record of our conversations than just text messages. It has made me personally reflect more on my experiences, becoming more appreciative of how lucky I am as I recognize just how many things I was excited to share. Letting a best friend have a direct view into what I was treating as my personal diary made me feel vulnerable and close to her over long distances. Having her watching and interacting also helped hold me accountable whereas when I have tried to regularly journal in the past I have lost motivation, I kept this up the whole semester!




Jun 5, 2024

Makes it easy to keep track of our memories and look back on them

Using waffle with :

My girlfriend

My girlfriend, is keeping track of our dates.

The Waffle app makes it easy to keep track of our memories and look back on them whenever we want. If we didn't write these moments down somewhere, they'd probably fade away over time. What's really great about using Waffle is that we can upload pictures along with our notes, so it's much better than just passing a journal back and forth. It’s nice to have everything in one place where we can both add to it and see it whenever we want.




Jun 6, 2024

We begun to fix those scars

Using waffle with :

My girlfriend

I use Waffle with my girlfriend and we use it to communicate in a safe place the important and difficult topics in our relationship.

It has helped us both to identify and express our issues from previous toxic relationships we were in and trauma triggers as well. In doing so we have begun to fix those scars and really make positive changes together. I think it has been an amazing experience and something we are going to continue using for a long time.




Jun 20, 2024

A judgment-free zone

Using waffle with :

My future husband

We have very open communication in our journal without it becoming a deep fight. It helps us understand each other without taking it personally. We just try to be as open as we can with each other. We both have bad tempers, and this helps a lot. We've been through a lot of trauma in our lives, so we decided to use this app as a judgment-free zone.




Jun 21, 2024

It keeps us connected

Using waffle with :

My long-distance boyfriend

I use it to journal my day every evening so that my boyfriend can hear about what I've been up to and I can hear what he's been up to, because we are in very different timezones and rarely get to chat or call.

It keeps us connected and let's me know how he's going and how I can pray for him. If we didn't have waffle then we would not be able to keep as connected as we are. I wouldn't know what's happening in his life and he wouldn't be able to hear about my travels, because I don't have any other social media.




Jun 26, 2024

Waffle saved my relationship

Using waffle with :

My beautiful girlfriend

Waffle has improved my relationship so much since I am a very closed off person that cannot talk about my feelings and my struggles. She was actually going to leave me because of this reason but instead we took a break and used this app to communicate once per day. It has helped me communicate more to the love of my life about how I feel and what I am going through. Because of this me and her have never felt closer and connected.


Scott P


Jul 20, 2024

Helped us generate conversations that we otherwise would not have had

Using waffle with :

My wife

Waffle has given me more insight in what my partner and I want and looking at life in different ways. We talk about our entries and how we see things for ourselves and together. I have learnt more about my partner and think she has learned some new things about me. It helps us communicate better and generate conversations that we probably would not have brought up without questions from you.




Jul 25, 2024

Talk about things that don’t come up naturally without intention

Using waffle with :

My loved one

Waffle has deepened the connection between my loved one and me. With my friend, we explore more personal questions that we’re comfortable discussing, but the topics don’t just come up naturally without intention. Personally, Waffle is a safe, personal space where I can lose myself in my thoughts.




Aug 15, 2024

My therapist says this has been very healthy for me

Using waffle with :

My childhood friend

I share Waffle with my childhood friend Alice. We wanted a place to write our honest thoughts, but something we could read each other's words. We initially wanted to write letters to each other, but cost-wise it wasn't realistic. We also thought about buying journals for each other. But at the end of the day, we wanted to read each other’s secret thoughts.

It’s helped me with my memory. I have memory issues, and writing down about my day is helping ground me. My therapist says this has been very healthy for me as well. I’m reviewing my day as it goes by, planning to write in my journal. This is a level of awareness I have not had before. VERY grounding.




Aug 16, 2024

A safe space to share our thoughts without judgment

Using waffle with :

My longtime friend

I share multiple journals with my longtime friend Deyanira and have also created one for my personal use and one for my son. Although my friend and I live very far apart, we have been friends since 2005. We keep each other updated through the journals, which provide a safe space to share our thoughts without judgment.

Waffle offers a better connection between us remotely. I hope to continue this with my son as he gets older. I used to carry a physical journal, but I no longer do so. Deyanira and I rekindled our friendship during the COVID lockdown and realized how much we’ve grown, as well as the ongoing challenges we face. We both experience stress from our work environments and have come to understand that we share some level of anxiety related to our busy lifestyles.




Aug 21, 2024

Document my days and so my long-distance partner can keep up with me and my emotions

Using waffle with :

My long-distance partner

I use Waffle to document my days so my long-distance partner can keep up with me and my emotions, even when we can't talk much.

It's been a huge help in documenting my days and emotions, improving my memory, mental health, and relationship. If I forget to tell my partner something, he can read about it and then ask me. Given my cognitive disabilities, this is a huge deal for us. I struggle to remember things, especially when they’re stressful or emotional.




Aug 23, 2024

Waffle helps clear any confusion and avoid arguments

Using waffle with :

My long-distance partner

Me and my long distance partner use Waffle every day to write about the daily question and our days.

It improves our communication and provides a safe space to rant and complain about anything bothering us, without any argument or blame. It gives us space to explain our points of view and see where the other person is coming from. This helps clear any confusion and avoid arguments that could have started without these types of entries.




Aug 27, 2024

Waffle brings our family closer and stronger

Using waffle with :

My wife and my daughters

Waffle is starting to help us share our feelings and emotions in a safe area where anyone can put anything they want without reprisals or comebacks. I have two teenage daughters who have both struggled emotionally of late and this is a way to try and get them to express themselves more. It's been a struggle to get them to adopt it and use it but they are starting to, which as a family is making us more open and honest with each and tell each either thoughts and feelings that wouldn't normally be shared.




Sep 3, 2024

Form deeper bonds with each other

Using waffle with :

My friends

I use the Waffle app with two of my friends. We use it to stay in touch without spamming the group chat every day. It lets us document the little things in life and go back to enjoy what we've written without scrolling through a million text messages.

It’s made it easier to form deeper bonds. We’re able to express ourselves creatively through words and keep each other updated without feeling like we’re being bothersome. I feel as if we know each other on a deeper level and are able to know what the other is thinking a lot faster.




Sep 7, 2024

Waffle really helped us maintain our emotional connection despite the distance

Using waffle with :

My partner

I use Waffle with my partner. We like answering the prompt questions that appear in our journal. It’s a fun way of staying in touch without texting, and it has helped us stay intimate with each other.

Waffle has really helped my partner and me stay connected and keep our intimacy strong, even though we’re in a long-distance relationship. With the challenges of being apart, it can be tough to feel close to each other, but Waffle makes it easier. We use it to share little moments and keep in touch in ways that go beyond just texting. It’s been great for sending quick updates, sharing experiences, and even just checking in throughout the day.




Sep 7, 2024

A great app with a great purpose

Using waffle with :

My friends

We use Waffle to share poetry and thoughts from the day. It gives us an outlet without sharing our personal journal. Since we don't see each other often, it's very important we stay connected somehow. It's a great app with a great purpose. For us, being interconnected through writing is perfect since we are busy university students and don't have time to call either.




Sep 23, 2024

Keeps us grounded and makes progress easy to track

Using waffle with :

My close friend

My close friend and I use Waffle to document our feelings and track how well we’re staying on top of our self-care goals, like eating well, sleeping, getting outside more, and keeping up with important events.

It keeps us grounded and makes progress easy to track when mental illness clouds the vision of our journey. It's helped us connect and inspired us to stick to our plans more than we would without Waffle's help. While maintaining streaks is difficult due to our schedules, we’re working hard to post a journal entry as soon as we’re free.




Sep 24, 2024

Helped us work through some difficult issues and even improved our bedroom life

Using waffle with :

My partner

Waffle has allowed my partner and me to understand each other better—our communication styles, struggles, and insecurities. It has helped us work through some difficult issues that we couldn't necessarily voice vocally to each other. It has even improved our bedroom life with further understanding of each other's needs and wants.




Oct 3, 2024

Waffle helps me open up in my D/s relationship

Using waffle with :

My husband

My husband and I are in a D/s (Dom/sub) relationship. I'm a little shy, so it's really hard for me to find the courage to tell him about all the things I want to try; not to mention, I've always been a much better writer than speaker. I love that Waffle lets me open up and communicate in a shared digital journal that we can both access whenever we want, and that we can use it to try the things we both agree on (remember, y'all: consent is sexy!).

Our intimacy was great before, but now it's even better! Not only are we trying new things and being more open about what we both like and want to try, but it's so much fun for him to be able to read what I've written and get inspired. It's also great that, in writing it down, I feel like I'm learning more about myself, which is a pretty nice bonus!




Oct 3, 2024

We’re in a long-distance relationship

Using waffle with :

My partner

I share this with my partner who struggles with anxiety and depression, and would like to help show him how journaling and keeping a gratitude journal helped me significantly years ago.

He has struggled keeping a physical journal especially when I don't push him or "nag" him about it everyday, especially because we're in a long-distance relationship. With this app, I see him writing early in the morning when he sees his boys off to school or make breakfast for them. We have so far never missed a day so far - and assured them that it's okay to write the same things over and over in the beginning.




Oct 19, 2024

Helps us to stay in touch without being over bearing at the same time

Using waffle with :

My friends

Waffle has given me a way to connect with my friend during the summer because all of us are busy and away during that time.

This app allows me to answer and compare answers with my other friends (sophia and percy). The question waffle asks are fun and easy to understand. It lets me know what my friends are thinking without having to ask.

Waffle also lets us jot down whatever we’re thinking and shares it with the other group member.

It’s helps us to stay in touch without being over bearing at the same time.




Jul 14, 2023

Documenting my mental health journey and my progress

Using waffle with :


It holds me accountable to keep using the app and add photos and memories.

It shows me what I've done that has improved my life and what hasn't worked. I like adding emojis to make my journal posts cuter and looking back makes me smile when I see it all.

The one journal I am using right now is just for me, but I would be excited to try out journaling with someone else who also likes journaling.




Jul 25, 2023

We communicate much better when we can journal about our days on Waffle

Using waffle with :

My long-distance partner

I use it by myself for journaling, and with my partner to stay more connected while we’re longer distance.

We communicate much better when we journal about our days and react to them. Journaling together allows us to see a more complete picture of each other's day.

This is especially important because we're both autistic, and talking about our days can lead to tangents and become particularly challenging when we go non-verbal.

So having the ability to type out all our thoughts and experiences without interruption enables us to be more thorough and well-thought-out.




Jul 27, 2023

Express myself fully with no judgment

Using waffle with :

My boyfriend

I use Waffle to journal about my feelings and about major events that occur in my life! I don’t really use Waffle with other people, but it’s really enjoyable to write with or without others!

Waffle has brought positive changes to my life because I’ve been able to express myself fully with no judgment in the app. There’s just something about Waffle that makes me prefer journaling there than in other apps!

Waffle has also brought positive changes to my relationship because my boyfriend was able to see how I felt during certain situations and was also able to write his own stuff on the app.

I genuinely prefer using Waffle over other apps! I’ve been using it since my freshman year of high school and I’ve loved it ever since.




Jul 29, 2023

Feel more cherished by the other

Using waffle with :

My wife

My wife and I share a journal, used mostly for positive affirmations.

We try to leave a comment day about something that we appreciate or like about each other. We also use it to post about meaningful memories and times that we want to remember.

The daily questions are great; we sometimes answer those as a way to get to know each other more.

This has helped us become closer and feel more cherished by the other.




Jul 30, 2023

I do not feel as alone in life and am starting to feel better

Using waffle with :

My best friend

I find satisfaction in sharing feelings with someone else who also feels the same way as me, I am not alone.

I do not feel as alone in life and am starting to feel better, I have struggled with different things and I want people to know that no matter how they are feeling there is someone out there who feels the exact same way.

I am growing and learning things from the way that we all share with each other things about our day and life. I hope I can continue to find people to do that with, I am trying to help change people for the better.

I can try to help just by sharing things with the people I am closest to.




Jul 30, 2023

Helped me to stay off social media

Using waffle with :

My long-distance best friend

Waffle has helped my long distance best friend and I reconnect after the Air Force decided we couldn't live in the same state anymore thanks to a classic PCS.

We were roommates for a little under a year out in Texas and grew such a unique bond/friendship through deep early morning conversations, afternoon runs/hikes and being there for one another day in and day out through difficult situations.

We have struggled to plan FaceTime chats with both of our busy schedules and being on vastly different time zones.

Waffle created a wonderful avenue for us to continue to share in each other's day as well as discuss and reflect on deep topics, while not feeling guilty for not being able to answer the phone.

It's given us a vessel to feel like we are able to share in a special moment together, while not requiring that they respond right away or stop why they're doing and answer a phone call/FT.

It also feels more personalized and has helped me to stay off socials more because I'm bonding with my close knit crew, which holds a deeper meaning to me.

I'm very thankful for this app :)




Jul 31, 2023

I love when I get a notification

Using waffle with :

My family

I have an account with my husband and each of my children, separately. I love sending them notes.

I try to capture memories throughout the week to share. The daily question helps prompt me when I don’t have an idea on my mind.

I love when I get a notification that I have a note from one of my loved ones. It lifts my spirits to know someone is thinking of me. I also enjoy giving that joy to someone else by sending notes, thoughts and memories to them.

It is a great way for me and my husband to connect. It is a special part of our relationship that we share, just the two of us.

Thank you Waffle for creating an app that allows me to share my love, from writing a simple note to composing paragraphs.




Aug 1, 2023

A way to bond deeper

Using waffle with :

My boyfriend

I use it with my boyfriend and we make lists on things we want to do together as a couple and things we like about each other in the relationship to see how we develop and what works and what doesn’t in our relationship.

It has Improved our overall communication, it’s nice being able to write something down and knowing they’ll see it and take it constructively since that’s what we use it for.

The little daily questions that are nice conversation starters and often are a way to bond a lil deeper.

We also have a journal called quotes that has silly lil lines that we say and we put them there to revisit for a laugh. We have one where we update about specific things that happen throughout our day without the other.




Aug 2, 2023

Shows me different ways my boyfriend is thinking about me and his feelings

Using waffle with :

My boyfriend

I use Waffle to keep my boyfriend updated on my life since we are long distance at the moment and also use the prompts to learn more about each other.

My boyfriend and I are closer by using Waffle and it lets us get to know each other better due to the prompts that ask questions that we wouldn’t even think to ask each other.

By using Waffle, it shows me different ways my boyfriend is thinking about me and his feelings even when he’s not telling me verbally how he feels.

I get to know the inner workings of his brain due to the thought provoking questions as well as wake up to cute messages.

It has let us become closer as partners and I’m grateful for this app.




Aug 2, 2023

Waffle helps take distance away

Using waffle with :

My best friend

I use Waffle daily to keep in touch with my best friend who moved to Hawaii, which is about a 10-hour flight from where I live. It's been amazing for us to share anything and everything with each other.

Waffle has enabled us to continue sharing things we wouldn't normally remember, certain mundane details I wouldn't bother sending in a text, but things I would definitely tell my best friend when I saw her every day!

Right before she left, I had just moved to the side of town where she lived, and we were practically neighbors. It was amazing. But then she moved, which was an incredible opportunity for her, but it definitely makes hanging out all the time much harder.

Waffle helps take that distance away by letting us share anything all of the time without sending a text!

I really enjoy the app specifically because it’s like instagram but far more private and just for us, and it’s less pressure than a text or a phone call so we can share anything whenever.

This is really great for time zones, neither of us have to worry about missing something from the other.




Aug 4, 2023

We spent our entire anniversary just writing essays for each other

Using waffle with :

My long-distance girlfriend

Whenever me and my girlfriend are going through a bad time, (We're LDR) I'll just send a haiku or a small quip about our day. That makes moments feel closer.

The app just brought us closer man. Like really close dude. We ended up having a hidden love for poetry due to its journalistic nature of the app.

It was like an immortal unbreakable super cool notebook. It got me into journaling more about the little things, made me appreciate life more and just her in general in writing.

We spent our entire anniversary just writing essays for each other on that app, and much much more love letter that was made easier due to the app.




Aug 6, 2023

It's something I get to look forward to everyday

Using waffle with :

My girlfriend, best friend, and roommates

I use Waffle with my long distance girlfriend.

We use it to document our days, so that even when we don’t get to talk much, we have entries to go over and look at. It helps us keep up with day to day experiences we are having while being so far apart.

I also use Waffle with my long distance best friend and my roommate to have conversations that are hard to have in person in order to address our conflicts.

It is one of the many ways me and my partner stay connected, but it especially helps us focus on some of the more happy moments we have and want to share. We use it to gossip, share stories, leave recaps, and sometimes just write about how we appericiate our relationship.

I love it because it's something I get to look forward to everyday, and has helped me get into the habit of journaling more frequently!




Aug 6, 2023

Allows me to connect in a unique way with my boyfriend

Using waffle with :

My boyfriend

I essentially use waffle to write love letters to my long distance boyfriend.

It allows us to leave sweet reminders to one another throughout the day! We also have a journal together where we share date ideas for the future.

It allows me to connect in a unique way with my boyfriend and lets us express our feelings whenever we want!

It’s a lot more efficient and quick especially when we don’t have the time or aren’t able to be near a place to send letters, as my boyfriend often goes out into the woods and camps for his work, leaving us with our phones to correspond with.

Waffle lets me look back at our journal entries and helps me feel closer to him.

I absolutely love waffle and how it’s formatted. The customization of the journals to the shared entries are absolutely beautiful and help me connect more with my partner.




Aug 9, 2023

Using Waffle for at least two years, and it's been excellent

Using waffle with :

My friends

I use it with my friends to document fun times we had with each other. It allowed us to connect with each other personally even when we were physically away from each other.

From silly quotes we say to each other, pictures of our pets, to heartfelt conversations, I’m so happy to have all these instances documented in a cute journal with everyone.

At this point, we have been using Waffle for at least two years, and our experiences with the app have been excellent. I’m also thinking of recommending the app to my family as well.




Aug 9, 2023

We've grown closer together because of Waffle

Using waffle with :

My friends

I use Waffle with my friends to keep a gratitude journal, and since we get notified whenever someone posts an entry, it reminds us to write something of our own.

Keeping a consistent effort with journaling has always been a struggle, even though the benefits of keeping a journal are significant.

With Waffle, it keeps everyone accountable because it notifies you when someone posts an entry.

Keeping a gratitude journal every day has greatly impacted my life and the lives of my friends. We're happier because of it, and we've grown closer together because of Waffle, too.




Aug 12, 2023

Taking some intentional time out of the day to use Waffle

Using waffle with :

My long-distance girlfriend

My girlfriend and I post daily lists of things that made us smile, for the other to read, mostly while we are long distance for school.

It is a good way to reflect on the joys of my day and to experience those of the people I love.

It has helped my girlfriend and I appreciate our lives and each other more by taking some intentional time out of the day to use Waffle.

This has especially helped my girlfriend to recenter at the end of the day and see the many good parts of life that are easily drowned out.

Waffle also helps us keep what we write over time, as there's not another convenient day to do that and share it in the same place.




Aug 14, 2023

I love Waffle and what it's done for our relationship

Using waffle with :

My long-distance partner

I use Waffle with my long-distance boyfriend, Randy.

We have been using it since October of last year, looking for ways we can further connect with each other when I moved back across the country for college.

Having a shared journal has been amazing for our relationship to grow. It also helps grow our relationship with ourself by reflecting on what we have experienced each day.

I love talking to him about our journals and the prompts given to us by Waffle has also made it fun when we have a slow day.

I love Waffle and what it's done for our relationship.




Aug 16, 2023

We're both incredibly happy

Using waffle with :

My girlfriend

My girlfriend and I use Waffle almost every day.

Our relationship has been long-distance since the start, and we started using Waffle as a means for improving our communication during the times when we're apart.

In some ways, Waffle played a big role in saving our relationship. My girlfriend and I had been friends for over a year before we started dating, so once we hit a pretty rough patch about a month in, I was scared that I'd not only lose my girlfriend, but my best friend also.

The problems we were facing mostly had to do with a lack of communication, and I was ultimately drawn to Waffle because of its daily prompts -- which I thought would help us get to know each other better by finding new things to talk about.

A month later, we're both incredibly happy, and the distance between us has become a lot less daunting because of how easily we open up to one another now.




Aug 19, 2023

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants

Using waffle with :

My friends

Me and my best friends have a diary where we write all about our day.

It has made us all feel closer especially over the summer holidays. We wanted to do a diary where we swapped them when we met up but because of holidays and time it would have clashed.

My inspiration was the sisterhood of the traveling pants (I think that’s the name). So I searched up an online diary and immediately knew Waffle was the one. It was so pure and cute. We have been using it for about a month and love it. It’s the best thing. It’s like an updated BeReal.

When my friend says "Waffle time, people" at the end of the day, my face lights up as I’m piqued with interest as to what my friends have been up to.

What I love is that it’s so authentic and sometimes when we don’t have the energy to write it we keep it short and sweet.




Aug 22, 2023

Get to know each other better even though we've been married for 20 years

Using waffle with :

My husband

My husband and I use the Waffle to connect when he travels for work.

It's a way that allows us to more creatively converse than sending text messages, and the journal prompts are a fun way to talk about things that we wouldn't necessarily think of otherwise.

Waffle has enabled us to maintain great conversation, which has helped us to remain close even when we are apart because of work trips.

I also enjoy the continued prompted questions, as it helps us to laugh and get to know each other better even though we've been married for 20 years.

The ease of using the app makes it convenient to jump into conversations when possible, which is much better than our previous version of a shared handwritten notebook.

We love Waffle and hope to continue using it to stay connected.




Aug 23, 2023

Tell each other how much we appreciate each other

Using waffle with :

My fiancé

I use the waffle daily with my fiancé.

We have a weird sleep schedule so I tend to send him my thoughts and little notes at varies times while he is asleep and he does the same thing for me.

I feel like while it hasn't been that long it will surely strength our bond because we can tell each other how much we appreciate each other.

Having a platform I can engage and leave my thoughts on for him that is entirely private and made around that process has been really nice.

I feel like this would also be great for long distance friends as well. Surely, the fact you would take time out of your day to share your thoughts with your loved ones would be highly appreciated.

I can't wait for it allow the bond I share with my fiancé to grow even further as I use this app more.




Aug 24, 2023

A chance to communicate in a lot of ways our relationship was lacking

Using waffle with :

My partner, sisters and myself

I use waffle with my partner, my sisters, and myself.

Waffle has giving me and my partner a chance to communicate in a lot of ways our relationship was lacking.

So it’s improved how we view each other instead of guessing or having to ask and them not knowing how to respond.

The app has changed my life for the better because I can keep all my problems in one place and look back into how a specific person was feeling on an issue they had with me or life.




Aug 31, 2023

Look back on my Waffle while in therapy

Using waffle with :

My boyfriend and therapist

Recently, I’ve been trying to journal my boyfriend and I’s relationship thy has been ongoing for almost 6 years.

I figured that i journaling app would be easier than a physical journal. I also use waffle to journal about vacations I’ve taken, as well as a daily diary.

Waffle allows for me and my boyfriend to connect and to share and relive these positive memories.

I also use waffle to journal about vacations I’ve taken, which allows for me to easily look back on memories. I like Waffle because I can easily share any journal to my loved ones and stay connected.

Waffle is also easy to use / user friendly. Lastly, I enjoy using Waffle because I am able to get my thoughts out and journaling about my daily life.

I like to look back on my Waffle diary journal while in therapy as I can easily have all of my thoughts organized and ready for my session!




Sep 1, 2023

The perfect find for sharing food logs

Using waffle with :

My sister

My sister and I use Waffle as a daily food log. We use it for accountability and to track habits.

Though food journaling may not be the original intent of the app, Waffle has been the perfect find for sharing food logs.

I searched and searched the App Store for a health/fitness app that could connect my sister and I with tracking our diet. My search came up empty until I thought to look for an app outside of the health niche.

Waffle is the perfect fit for us!

We’re both busy moms who can just eat our kids’ leftovers if we’re not intentional about getting proper nutrition. I love that we can quickly track our day and see each other’s progress too.




Sep 4, 2023

Connect on deeper levels

Using waffle with :

My long-distance boyfriend

I use Waffle with my long distance boyfriend, and we do daily recaps of our days and feelings and use the questionnaire feature to learn more about ourselves and each other.

I met my boyfriend the summer I came back from my freshman year of college. We decided we liked each other enough to tackle the challenge of long distance (LA — Boston).

Waffle is one way to stay connected as well as to connect on deeper levels. I look forward to writing my daily entries for him to read multiple times a day!

The question of the day has brought us to really look into ourselves and our relationship, bringing us closer together.

It’s also a fun way to share moments and images in one place, giving us something to look back on when we finally break the distance for good.




Sep 6, 2023

Continued to feel less and less anxious

Using waffle with :

My friend

It helped me explain more about how I feel about the relationship with my friend.

We understood each other better when it came to our romantic feelings for each other. Waffle was great for me because I have a hard time expressing myself in word in front of a person especially someone I have romantic feeling for.

I was about to leave my thought there and he would read them. It's not like I was texting him but sending him letters and I continued to feel less and less anxious around him when talking about sad topics.




Sep 11, 2023

Allows me to vent in a constructive way

Using waffle with :

My friend

I use my waffle account with my best friends and it helps me keep my thoughts in one place.

It allows me to vent in a constructive way!

Waffle journal is such an amazing app and allows me to formulate my thoughts and keep them organized in a way that will be extra helpful for me when I want to refer back to them in therapy sessions.

It also continues to be a wonderful addition to my day to day life and allows me to fully appreciate writing out my own story in a way others can understand.




Sep 11, 2023

Connect on a deeper level

Using waffle with :

My mom

I had been going through a difficult time, dealing with the passing of several loved ones. I found myself spiralling to an increasingly dark place, unable to appreciate the beautiful things in life.

My mom noticed I was struggling and suggested we use a Waffle journal as an outlet for emotions, while also encouraging ourselves to note and share the simple pleasures in our every day lives with each other.

The Waffle journal has allowed me and my mom to connect on a deeper level, and stay up to date on both of our daily experiences.

It's given me a tremendous outlet to offload my thoughts in written form, and has helped me maintain a more balanced mental state by pushing me to register the beauty of life (in addition to the challenges).

It's also helped me and my mom feel less isolated, since we both spend extended periods of time alone.




Sep 12, 2023

A safe space for us to share our emotions without judgment

Using waffle with :

My boyfriend and friends

I've noticed that it's helped out with communicating our concerns and feeling to each other.

Both me and my boyfriend struggle with sharing our feeling (me more than him). Granted we both been through a lot with our pasts.

Our journal provides a safe space for us to share our emotions without judgment. It also has allowed to be able to open up more with each other. We can share our funny moments, our sad moments and our happy moments.




Sep 17, 2023

Has been really helpful to connect with friends from college

Using waffle with :

My friends from college

My friends from college, we use it to keep in touch with each other even tho we don’t see each other as often.

Keeping in contact with friends and knowing what’s going on in their lives. Also journaling has helped me organize my thoughts and feel less chaotic.

Being able to easily document what’s going on in my life and my feeling towards it has been really helpful.

I don’t feel as dependent on having to vent out my thoughts to others since I can write it out on Waffle instead.




Sep 22, 2023

Allows us to communicate even when we are both busy

Using waffle with :

My best friend

I use waffle with my best friend. She lives very far away, and we have a book club together.

We use waffle to write about the books we read. We also have a separate journal together where we post photos of clouds and write notes to each other.

It allows me to still do fun activities with my best friend who I only get to physically see about once a year. I live in the south west of England and she lives in the Isle of Skye, Scotland.

It allows us to enjoy a hobby together! It allows us to communicate even when we are both busy. It allows a different avenue of communication which can be expressive, without it being a texted back and forth conversation.

It’s a great app. Glad I found it. Thank you.




Sep 24, 2023

Dive deeper with our connection

Using waffle with :

My partner

My partner and I use it as a means to keep connected while I am away for work.

It's helpful as a place to leave notes and thoughts that are separate from our day to day conversation.

The daily questions add to ways we are getting to know each other. We also share pictures and use our own questions to dive deeper with our connection.

Sometimes I'm on different hours than her, so it's a cool spot that I can leave random thoughts.




Sep 27, 2023

Allows me to connect with my partner without missing life outside my phone

Using waffle with :

My partner

Waffle has been great in allowing me to connect with my partner without missing life outside my phone.

We take a quick snapshot of what we're doing, caption it to let the other know what's happening, then we move on with what we're doing.

It's a great way to connect and do independent tasks without making it feel lonely.




Sep 28, 2023

It’s how I connect with my friends and I love it

Using waffle with :

My friends

I love it. I use it with my friends to connect with people and tell each other about school since we go to different schools.

It helps me connect with my friends since I moved away, and we talk about school and gossip😏 Thank you people at waffle for making this all possible!

It’s how I connect with my friends since one of them does not a have a phone number and cannot text. I love it!!!!!




Oct 2, 2023

Makes it easier to share my thoughts and feelings with my husband

Using waffle with :

My husband

I keep a relationship journal with my husband and a food journal for my health.

Waffle makes it easier to share my thoughts and feelings with my husband in the short term, and it allows us to revisit our journey with pictures and daily entries in the long term.

The daily questions target both the individual and the relationship to surface questions you normally wouldn't think to ask.




Oct 3, 2023

A great way to express how much you love your partner

Using waffle with :

My partner

I use the app with my girlfriend every day.

Positive changes that Waffle has made on my relationship is that it shows how much we love each other.

We do it as early in the morning but also really late.

It's a great way to express how much you love your partner in lots of different ways and gets us to talk about lots of different subjects.




Oct 17, 2023

A journal for processing things related to my relationship

Using waffle with :

My partner

I made a journal for processing things related to my relationship, one for saving the haikus my partner writes to me, and then we have our shared one to write goofy things and "I love you"s to each other.

I want to get my other friends in on it so we can write to each other more regularly.




Oct 18, 2023

Helps to build relationships as adults

Using waffle with :

My mom and sister

I use Waffle daily to connect with my mom and sister, and build our relationship as adults.

My mom, sister and I live in three different states. The prompts have allowed us to discuss new topics, reminisce about memories and all in all connect on a deeper level.

We still text, but those are usually in the moment texts here and there. Now we reach out to each other more and often talk about the prompts from Waffle.




Oct 26, 2023

Lets you share something that can be embarrasing to your partner without directly bringing it up

Using waffle with :

My girlfriend

Waffle lets you share something that can be embarrasing to your partner without directly bringing it up.

Everyday me and my partner answer the daily question (they are very thought provoking!), and write a journal entry at the end of the day.

It helps me and my girlfriend be better connected, as well as learn how each other's day went.

It's great, because occasionally it can be embarrassing to bring up something that happened during the day in conversation.

But writing it in Waffle let's you share it to your partner without directly bringing it up.




Oct 30, 2023

Helps me see what she needs help with so I can give it to her

Using waffle with :

My partner

I use waffle everyday not only to keep in touch with my partner, but also learn about the things in their story that have made them who they are.

Waffle has helped me understand my lover and what she has been through so I can comfort her.

She has old trauma from a bad relationship in the past, and she relies on me to help her.

Luckily, waffle helps me see what she needs help with so I can give it to her. Not only that, but we also get to understand each other in ways we normally wouldn't.

Using waffle has helped me and my lover have a more connected and happy relationship together.




Nov 21, 2023

I'm using Waffle as a wedding gift

Using waffle with :

My future husband

I'm using Waffle as a wedding gift.

I'm making a journal specifically for my future husband. I'm answering questions about him, our relationship, & including other stories that aren't sparked by prompts. He does not know about this app & I plan to give him access the night before our wedding.

It has made me examine & discover how much I appreciate my relationship. I couldn't ask for a more loving or supportive man. My future husband & I really are perfect for one another.

I cannot wait to give him this journal, but I'm secretly hoping that we don't get married too soon so I can make the journal as detailed & intricate as possible.




Nov 6, 2023

It's a form of therapy. Brought me and my sister closer than ever.

Using waffle with :

My sister

The Waffle app has brought me and my sister closer than ever. It's a form of therapy as well because I'm able to share any thought that crosses my mind with my sister anytime, anywhere.

Traveling has become stress-free because I'm now able to plan everything ahead of time and visualize it before sharing it with whoever I'm traveling with.

Knowing that I can easily build a plan with other people around the world through the Waffle app makes me feel at ease.

Overall, the app helps us keep our bond tight despite the long distance between us and it feels like we are an old couple because we share everything on there.




Nov 19, 2023

Working through tough topics has become so much easier for us

Using waffle with :

My significant other

I have a shared journal with my significant other so we can work through problems without getting caught up in the moment and it is really making a difference for us.

I've tried similar apps and real world journals but he never used them more than once. For whatever reason, this one works for him. I also keep a journal for myself and one I'll share with my son's when they're older.

Working through tough topics has become so much easier for us, there's real communication that happens now.

The prompts and questions make it easy to find something to write about and the remind feature is great.




Dec 6, 2023

Helps me get out my feelings without having to burden someone else

Using waffle with :

My partner

I use Waffle to describe my day to my partner. It helps me get out my feelings without having to burden someone else.

If there's anything that annoys me or makes me happy or something I want to remember I can look back at it and learn from it or have it stored to refer to later.

I forget everything so it's very helpful to keep memories of experiences.




Dec 13, 2023

Keeps us strong and connected

Using waffle with :

My partner

My partner and I use this journal to help us journal our memorable and loving moments together, so we can look back and cherish them whenever we want to take a trip down memory lane.

I have a fading memory, and often have a hard time with self assurance in relationships, while my partner likes to bond over special moments together.

Waffle has allowed us to journal our relationship in a special and unique way that keeps us strong and connected.

The daily questions also help our relationship grow with new insight we gain with one another.




Dec 16, 2023

Really positive tool

Using waffle with :

My son and my husband

I use Waffle to write about moments from my day with my son.

A friend told me she wishes she'd written down the little things, so that's what I do. My husband can see my entries and see what we've been up to.

It's been a really positive tool to use for me to reflect on the day and take note of the little moments that made the day special. I love that you can add a photo for each entry aswell.

It's a great way to capture moments and keep record of things I am grateful for. I love that I can share it with my husband too.




Dec 25, 2023

Allows us to have smaller updates throughout the day with no added pressure

Using waffle with :

My partner

More communication on a regular basis which helps us strive to grow and learn together but also keeps us updated on each other's lives throughout the day.

That really helps, especially when texting or calling can be too overwhelming or stressful.

Waffle allows us to have smaller updates throughout the day with no added pressure.




Jan 3, 2023

Helped us so much with our communication while going through a difficult time

Using waffle with :

My spouse

I use Waffle with my spouse who is deployed over seas in the army. Everyday we journal what we did that day, how we felt, and upload any pictures we took from that day.

Sometimes it’s hard to connect with my spouse when we are in an 8 hour difference time zone. Using waffle has helped us be able to stay in touch even when we’re on opposite sides of the world.

This has helped us so much with our communication while going through a difficult time.




Jan 7, 2024

When we are upset and can’t seem to communicate well with each other

Using waffle with :

My partner

We are able to use the app when we are upset and can’t seem to communicate well with each other.

It allows us to write out our feelings and the other person can read and understand what is said and felt. We have trouble communicating how we feel sometimes without the other person being defensive or without it being taken then wrong way.

Journaling on Waffle helps with this.




Jan 18, 2024

Discuss the things that really matter to us in a non confrontational way

Using waffle with :

My teenage daughter

I use the app to communicate with my teenage daughter.

This app has allowed us to talk about things that are not easy to talk about in person and to discuss the things that really matter to us in a non confrontational way. Also allows us to stay in touch when apart.




Feb 12, 2024

Made us more engaged with each other in our daily lives and talk more than ever before.

Using waffle with :

My two best friends

I use Waffle with my two best friends.

We update the journal entries with the daily questions to learn more about each other that doesn’t normally come up in casual conversation.

It’s brought me closer to the people that I care most about in this world.

By learning more about them through the questions or any random thoughts they have, I feel I get to know them even better than before.

We’re more engaged with each other in our daily lives and talk more than ever before.

I just like the app a lot.




Oct 2, 2023

My digital journal for writing and inspiration

Using waffle with :


It's my digital journal for writing and inspiration.

I can look at my entries on my phone no matter where I am. The app is very organized so I can have multiple journals with different categories. It's an easy reference in case I need to remember something.

It's easy to use and I would recommend it. I use the app everyday for journaling.




Mar 22, 2024

Whenever we may feel a certain type of way

Using waffle with :

My partner

I use Waffle with my lovely partner and we encourage each other to put in a entry everyday and whenever we may feel a certain type of way.

It let me know how my partner thinks about things, what makes him happy, what makes him sad. What his inner thoughts are and it brought us so much closer.

He also got to find out how I think and what may bother me, what makes me happy or sad. It helped us communicate on a better level.




Mar 23, 2024

Relive our memories together

Using waffle with :

My girlfriend

My girlfriend and I have a shared journal where we keep special moments, scriptures, quotes, etc.

We just feel so cute and romantic sharing our memories. This was something that I wanted to do for my girlfriend for Valentine's Day and it just provided the perfect format to do it.

We are able to relive our memories together and remember how happy we make each other.

Waffle is so awesome and perfect for us!




Mar 23, 2024

Waffle has given peace of mind for me and my family

Using waffle with :

My mum and brother

Waffle has allowed me to go traveling, despite being on a recovery journey from an eating disorder.

At home I was having a food diary checked daily by my family, but traveling alone there was no easy way to set this up.

Waffle has provided a platform for me to photograph and post my food diary entries. On the diary my family can then check it daily and comment.

Waffle has given peace of mind for me and my family. I can be flexible and have a good trip but also ensure I am sticking to my meal plan.

The interface is good and the app very easy to use, too.


Waffle user


Mar 24, 2024

Improved both our communication and understanding of each other

Using waffle with :

My partner

Journaling together has improved both our communication and understanding of each other.

While we use our own prompts instead of Waffle's (it seems to be the only app to allow you to turn that off!) it has been a breeze and a joy to use!

I'm so glad to have found it after going through nearly a dozen apps that seemed promising, but wouldn't allow for enough freedom for what we needed.




Mar 25, 2024

Definitely helps us stay connected as we spread out across the country

Using waffle with :

Myself, my friends and family

I use Waffle mostly as a personal journal. I have a couple of friends I keep in touch with through different journals as well.

Waffle as provided a space for my thoughts as I've gone through some tough moments in my life.

I appreciate the daily journal entry suggestions on days I can't think of what to write.

And being able to share journals with family definitely helps us stay connected as we spread out across the country.




Mar 25, 2024

Help better connect with my feelings and share with my therapist

Using waffle with :

My therapist

My therapist recommended that I journal daily to help better connect with my feelings and what they might mean.

Waffle has been amazing because it's allowed me to write down my thoughts, attach images or screenshots of things that were important that day, and share all of this with my therapist so she can get an inside view of my thoughts.

It's been amazing for my growth and transformation!

I have a hard time writing in a traditional journal and so an electronic one, like Waffle, has made it far easier for me to get the thoughts and feelings out of my head.

I feel like I have a level of clarity around things I otherwise wouldn't have! I love the prompts that I'm given too as it gets me to think about other things and share those thoughts and feelings.




Mar 27, 2024

Feel seen, heard, and loved

Using waffle with :

My fiance

I use Waffle with my fiance. We take turns journaling in there to write about updates big and small!

Waffle brings my fiance and I closer together. It's the little things that maintain a strong relationship and make both partners feel seen, heard, and loved.

Waffle is one of those little things that reminds me that she's thinking of me and the joy we have together, and vice versa.

And we are reminding each other of these things, we are making it so that we DON'T accidentally make the other feel UNseen or UNheard.

With Waffle, we know the love and thoughtfulness is there. I enjoy getting a notification on Waffle, whether it's a new update, or a reminder to post my own.




Mar 27, 2024

Documenting our life together -- the highs, lows, and little things in between

Using waffle with :

My husband

My husband and I use Waffle as a shared journal.

Using Waffle has helped us reflect and practice gratitude in our relationship. We don't post every day, but we take turns documenting our life together -- the highs, lows, and little things in between.

We'll often write cute little love notes in our Waffle for the other to find later, too. It's been such a great tool for helping us build a strong foundation in our marriage.




Mar 27, 2024

Been able to tell my siblings my struggles and learn theirs

Using waffle with :

My brother, sister and partner

I use Waffle with my brother and sister as a siblings journal and I use it with my partner as a couples journal.

Waffle has really helped us form deeper connections. I've been able to tell my siblings my struggles and learn theirs and I've been able to form deeper connections with my partner by answering the daily questions or creating our own entries.

My brother lives in Louisiana and my sister lives in Texas and long distance sibling relationships are so hard and waffle helps us connect on a deeper level.




Mar 29, 2024

This app has made staying in touch much more accessible for us

Using waffle with :

My best friend

My best friend and I have been Journaling since we were in grade school. We are 40 years old now.

My best friend since the age of 9, Crystal, and I don't see each other as much as we used to, but this app has helped us stay connected and has made it fun for us to do so.

We can send photos and links, and it has helped improve our friendship.

We used to write in a book and swap it whenever we saw each other, but in our adult lives, this has become difficult. This app has made staying in touch much more accessible for us.




Mar 30, 2024

I feel more at ease expressing myself openly and honestly

Using waffle with :

My girlfriend

Waffle has significantly enriched my relationship with my partner by providing a comfortable space for us to connect on a deeper level.

While face-to-face communication is invaluable, there are moments when expressing intricate thoughts and emotions can feel daunting.

Waffle offers a relaxed environment where I feel more at ease expressing myself openly and honestly. It serves as a platform where we can engage in meaningful conversations, share our thoughts, dreams, and aspirations without the pressure of immediate responses or distractions.

This deeper level of connection strengthens our bond and fosters a greater understanding and appreciation for each other's perspectives and experiences.

I love this app, especially the suggested AI prompts. Makes it fun and easy to share with my self and partner.




Mar 31, 2024

An easy way to recognize each other for simple small things

Using waffle with :

My partner

Waffle is a great app, and a fantastic way for people to share thoughts, feelings and ideas.

I use Waffle with my partner as a way to celebrate little victories and positive daily events.

Waffle has helped my partner and I have an easy way to recognize each other for simple small things.

Sometimes as simple as writing an entry about how meaningful it is that one of us did a tedious chore, or how much fun we had on our date night, or even just as a place to express our love!




Apr 6, 2024

Keeping each other accountable

Using waffle with :

My childhood best friend

I use Waffle with my childhood best friend who lives in a different country on the other side of the world.

We are keeping each other accountable and also are able to journal what we are going through and be thankful for.

It has been a rough time in different aspects (me through motherhood and feeling loss of identity) for both of us (her going through a very difficult breakup).

Hoping this can bring us some peace during our day to meditate and focus on things that matter.




Apr 9, 2024

Really given us a way to be vulnerable

Using waffle with :

My girlfriend

I use waffle with my girlfriend. We started off as a distance relationship and it was a good way to put our thoughts down and allow us to share bigger ideas with out relying on text.

It also gave us space to reflect without the need to respond in the moment which is often the case via phone call. She's since been able to move closer but I still find it valuable.

I have a daily reminder set for 1pm and it just helps to keep her front of mind. I also like that I can scroll back through and see the subjects we've worked through. There are also special dates or moments that I can reference back to that help me be a more engaged partner.

It's given us a way to share about hard topics in a safe space. We don't always have time to sit down and have a deep conversation but to be able to read her thoughts and reflect on them has helped us grow as a couple.

We are both divorced and have kids so there are lots of different aspects to blending a family together. We also have different parts of our own stories that we are trying to work through. This has really given us a way to be vulnerable and break old habits.




Apr 11, 2024

A few minutes out of our day to stay connected

Using waffle with :

My long-distance friends

My friends and I rarely get to catch up face-to-face because of location and timezone differences.

Waffle helps us to take a few minutes out of our day to stay connected and keep each other accountable for our personal goals and stay up to date in regards to each other's lives.




Apr 12, 2024

Helped me keep track of thoughts I want to discuss with my therapist

Using waffle with :

My therapist

I use it as a therapy journal, and also use it to write short stories that only a select few people can read.

It's helped me get my thoughts out, both on the therapeutic side and my creative side.

The therapy journaling, especially, had helped me keep track of thoughts I want to discuss with my therapist, without having to carry a notebook.

On the creative side, it has helped me be able to write my stories without fears of people stumbling across what I've written.




Apr 17, 2024

This app helps me be who I am and keeps me safe.

Using waffle with :

My family and myself

I struggle with my mental health and so I have two journals: One for me personally, and the other for my family and I.

I use my personal journal to write about my day to day life, worries, and to track my mental health. I use my second journal to track my weight loss progress and to track my fitness.

I love using this app because it improves how i am able to track my mental health over time, and allows me to write how I am feeling without having a lot of physical journals that cost money.

It greatly improves my life and how I view myself and my mental health. This app helps me be who I am and keeps me safe.




Apr 25, 2024

Helps me a lot to accept and be more welcoming towards my feelings

Using waffle with :

My therapist

By using Waffle, I started to learn and to accept that my thoughts are valid, no matter what, they are there for a reason.

It helped me tons by learning to accept and be more welcoming towards my feelings, they aren't the "bad guy", rather they are there to protect me; even though sometimes they act out or act funny.

My emotions are normally all over the place, the fact that I am trying to do better, means that I'm in a good path, and I'm glad Waffle can help me by doing that.




Apr 22, 2024

Therapy for us

Using waffle with :

My ethical non-monogamy partner

I use waffle as a shared journaling spot for my ENM (Ethical non-monogamy) partner and I. It’s helpful to sometimes have someone’s raw feelings to understand and being able to journal to each other has greatly helped our communication skills and provided a sort of therapy for us both!

I feel like I am able to communicate better, I'm jotting down thoughts that I would have otherwise forgotten and it helps to have a journal buddy to hold each other accountable. We are able to share more open and honest feelings and get each other raw input on issues or how each other is feeling about topics that might otherwise be difficult to discuss.


Mariah Mc


Apr 26, 2024

Helped me encourage and uplift her

Using waffle with :

A young girl who is struggling

I am using a shared journal in waffle with a young girl who is struggling with mental health issues.

It is a place where I am encouraging her to write each day what she is grateful for. We can't be anxious and grateful at the same time. It is a great place for us to journal together and keep track of her progress.

It has helped me encourage this girl, uplift her and also it lets her know that I've usually written too and she has some support close by. She can access the journal when she wants, as well as it not alerting to others that she is writing in it.

Plus it is also a great way to check in and share day to day things that are happening and keep involved I each others lives from a distance.




Apr 28, 2024

Learn about his thoughts and feelings

Using waffle with :

My boyfriend, friends and myself

I use Waffle either as a journal for myself or with him but also to show off how cute my boyfriend is to my friends

It's nice to have a spot to have a stream of consciousness without spam texting and I don't have to worry about losing it eventually. I can keep it and look at it whenever I need to either read a comforting message or to learn about his thoughts and feelings. It's also a great space for me to articulate my thoughts better.




May 1, 2024

Helps us come together and spend a few moments thinking about our week/days

Using waffle with :

My partner

It helps us connect and also record memories for the week so that we can come back and look at things that have happened and things we have enjoyed and maybe not enjoyed. It helps us come together and spend a few moments thinking about our week/days and writing down our thoughts, which helps us to slow down for a bit.




May 9, 2024

Document dreams and thoughts

Using waffle with :

My best friend

Me and my best friend use the waffle app to share information, document dreams and thoughts.

It helps us share things easily and organize thoughts better. We can access an app from two different phones and can put things on for the both of us to see. Saved us a lot of convenience. We've logged our dreams, schedules, photos, silly questions.

Very good app overall.




May 11, 2024

Helped open a new line of communication for us

Using waffle with :

My boyfriend

I have been answering the Waffle of the Day question and then writing about how my day was and anything that's been on my mind. I share it with my boyfriend.

It has helped open a new line of communication for us. While I don't always have anything to write about, the waffle question of the day is a good " ice breaker."

Having the option for your partner to leave a comment is nice. My boyfriend can answer a question I've asked or comment on something I've mentioned which leads to more conversation.




Apr 14, 2024

A great help in talking over our feelings

Using waffle with :

My boyfriend

I use it with my boyfriend. I recently moved away to follow a new career path.

It has made it easier to maintain and keep my relationship in order. I have always struggled with communication and discussing my feelings.

It has been so easy to do that Waffle! We use it like a diary of sorts, and also have another one to plan out our schedule for each week.

It has been such a great help in talking over our feelings and things going on in our lives.




Apr 15, 2024

I use it nearly every day with my long distance boyfriend

Using waffle with :

My long-distance boyfriend

I use it nearly every day with my long distance boyfriend. We like to answer the daily prompts so we can learn more about each other.

I'd say it's made myself and my partner feel much closer to each other. The questions asked are genuine and interesting, and not necessarily something I'd think to ask him on my own. I'm always looking forward to seeing his answers and learning more about the way he thinks. He's said the same of my answers, too.

We both really enjoy answering the Waffle each day, especially because we live in different states right now. It makes us feel so much more connected and I really appreciate that about Waffle.




May 16, 2024

Honestly it's amazing

Using waffle with :

My long-distance girlfriend

I use it to learn and have fun with my girlfriend she lives in Texas and I live in GA so it's a nice way to be closer.

Honestly, it's amazing how we've learned so much about each other through waffle its really cool because it comes up with things that you'd never really think to ask personally so it helps it's also fun to keep streaks posting daily so it's also a fun little goal for the both of us.




May 17, 2024

A tool to share my thoughts, ideas, or things that resonate

Using waffle with :

My daughter

I use it to summerize important things that resonate with me from self help books that I read and it allows my daughter and I to write entries to each other if we want.

I am grateful that I can put my thoughts into writing and go back later to re-read them. I love the ability to share posts with my loved ones and we can write posts to each other. I enjoy the access from my phone and tablet. It is a tool to share my thoughts, ideas, or things that resonate.




May 22, 2024

Stay connected while we are separated due to the military

Using waffle with :

My Daughter

This app has helped my daughter and I stay connected while we are separated due to the military. We use FaceTime apps to chat but the Waffle app connects us on a more personal level and helps us bond.

The journal/question prompts are a fun way to learn interests about my daughter that I didn't even know she was interested in. We were excited to see each others replies every day.

Waffle has improved our lives by creating a space where we can stay connected, even while we are miles apart.




May 24, 2024

I use it with my wife to tell her that I love her

Using waffle with :

My wife

I use it with my wife to tell her that I love her. How important she is to me. How much life means to me now that she's here.

Waffle opens up a new avenue of communication that I never had before with my wife. It's a neat idea and I love the fact that you can see your communication evolve over time. I really love being able to tell my wife how I feel and leave little notes to her while she's busy.


Nate Holcomb


May 31, 2024

Made me feel vulnerable and close to her over long distances

Using waffle with :

My best friend

While I was studying abroad at the Universidad de Cantabria in Spain, my best friend was studying at Cornell University in New York. Everyday (or every few days if we're being completely honest) we would use the free version to post one picture and some stories from our day there.

Waffle has made it so much easier to stay in touch across a time difference of 6 hours. We would leave comments on each others and love having more a concrete record of our conversations than just text messages. It has made me personally reflect more on my experiences, becoming more appreciative of how lucky I am as I recognize just how many things I was excited to share. Letting a best friend have a direct view into what I was treating as my personal diary made me feel vulnerable and close to her over long distances. Having her watching and interacting also helped hold me accountable whereas when I have tried to regularly journal in the past I have lost motivation, I kept this up the whole semester!




Jun 5, 2024

Makes it easy to keep track of our memories and look back on them

Using waffle with :

My girlfriend

My girlfriend, is keeping track of our dates.

The Waffle app makes it easy to keep track of our memories and look back on them whenever we want. If we didn't write these moments down somewhere, they'd probably fade away over time. What's really great about using Waffle is that we can upload pictures along with our notes, so it's much better than just passing a journal back and forth. It’s nice to have everything in one place where we can both add to it and see it whenever we want.




Jun 6, 2024

We begun to fix those scars

Using waffle with :

My girlfriend

I use Waffle with my girlfriend and we use it to communicate in a safe place the important and difficult topics in our relationship.

It has helped us both to identify and express our issues from previous toxic relationships we were in and trauma triggers as well. In doing so we have begun to fix those scars and really make positive changes together. I think it has been an amazing experience and something we are going to continue using for a long time.




Jun 20, 2024

A judgment-free zone

Using waffle with :

My future husband

We have very open communication in our journal without it becoming a deep fight. It helps us understand each other without taking it personally. We just try to be as open as we can with each other. We both have bad tempers, and this helps a lot. We've been through a lot of trauma in our lives, so we decided to use this app as a judgment-free zone.




Jun 21, 2024

It keeps us connected

Using waffle with :

My long-distance boyfriend

I use it to journal my day every evening so that my boyfriend can hear about what I've been up to and I can hear what he's been up to, because we are in very different timezones and rarely get to chat or call.

It keeps us connected and let's me know how he's going and how I can pray for him. If we didn't have waffle then we would not be able to keep as connected as we are. I wouldn't know what's happening in his life and he wouldn't be able to hear about my travels, because I don't have any other social media.




Jun 26, 2024

Waffle saved my relationship

Using waffle with :

My beautiful girlfriend

Waffle has improved my relationship so much since I am a very closed off person that cannot talk about my feelings and my struggles. She was actually going to leave me because of this reason but instead we took a break and used this app to communicate once per day. It has helped me communicate more to the love of my life about how I feel and what I am going through. Because of this me and her have never felt closer and connected.


Scott P


Jul 20, 2024

Helped us generate conversations that we otherwise would not have had

Using waffle with :

My wife

Waffle has given me more insight in what my partner and I want and looking at life in different ways. We talk about our entries and how we see things for ourselves and together. I have learnt more about my partner and think she has learned some new things about me. It helps us communicate better and generate conversations that we probably would not have brought up without questions from you.




Jul 25, 2024

Talk about things that don’t come up naturally without intention

Using waffle with :

My loved one

Waffle has deepened the connection between my loved one and me. With my friend, we explore more personal questions that we’re comfortable discussing, but the topics don’t just come up naturally without intention. Personally, Waffle is a safe, personal space where I can lose myself in my thoughts.




Aug 15, 2024

My therapist says this has been very healthy for me

Using waffle with :

My childhood friend

I share Waffle with my childhood friend Alice. We wanted a place to write our honest thoughts, but something we could read each other's words. We initially wanted to write letters to each other, but cost-wise it wasn't realistic. We also thought about buying journals for each other. But at the end of the day, we wanted to read each other’s secret thoughts.

It’s helped me with my memory. I have memory issues, and writing down about my day is helping ground me. My therapist says this has been very healthy for me as well. I’m reviewing my day as it goes by, planning to write in my journal. This is a level of awareness I have not had before. VERY grounding.




Aug 16, 2024

A safe space to share our thoughts without judgment

Using waffle with :

My longtime friend

I share multiple journals with my longtime friend Deyanira and have also created one for my personal use and one for my son. Although my friend and I live very far apart, we have been friends since 2005. We keep each other updated through the journals, which provide a safe space to share our thoughts without judgment.

Waffle offers a better connection between us remotely. I hope to continue this with my son as he gets older. I used to carry a physical journal, but I no longer do so. Deyanira and I rekindled our friendship during the COVID lockdown and realized how much we’ve grown, as well as the ongoing challenges we face. We both experience stress from our work environments and have come to understand that we share some level of anxiety related to our busy lifestyles.




Aug 21, 2024

Document my days and so my long-distance partner can keep up with me and my emotions

Using waffle with :

My long-distance partner

I use Waffle to document my days so my long-distance partner can keep up with me and my emotions, even when we can't talk much.

It's been a huge help in documenting my days and emotions, improving my memory, mental health, and relationship. If I forget to tell my partner something, he can read about it and then ask me. Given my cognitive disabilities, this is a huge deal for us. I struggle to remember things, especially when they’re stressful or emotional.




Aug 23, 2024

Waffle helps clear any confusion and avoid arguments

Using waffle with :

My long-distance partner

Me and my long distance partner use Waffle every day to write about the daily question and our days.

It improves our communication and provides a safe space to rant and complain about anything bothering us, without any argument or blame. It gives us space to explain our points of view and see where the other person is coming from. This helps clear any confusion and avoid arguments that could have started without these types of entries.




Aug 27, 2024

Waffle brings our family closer and stronger

Using waffle with :

My wife and my daughters

Waffle is starting to help us share our feelings and emotions in a safe area where anyone can put anything they want without reprisals or comebacks. I have two teenage daughters who have both struggled emotionally of late and this is a way to try and get them to express themselves more. It's been a struggle to get them to adopt it and use it but they are starting to, which as a family is making us more open and honest with each and tell each either thoughts and feelings that wouldn't normally be shared.




Sep 3, 2024

Form deeper bonds with each other

Using waffle with :

My friends

I use the Waffle app with two of my friends. We use it to stay in touch without spamming the group chat every day. It lets us document the little things in life and go back to enjoy what we've written without scrolling through a million text messages.

It’s made it easier to form deeper bonds. We’re able to express ourselves creatively through words and keep each other updated without feeling like we’re being bothersome. I feel as if we know each other on a deeper level and are able to know what the other is thinking a lot faster.




Sep 7, 2024

Waffle really helped us maintain our emotional connection despite the distance

Using waffle with :

My partner

I use Waffle with my partner. We like answering the prompt questions that appear in our journal. It’s a fun way of staying in touch without texting, and it has helped us stay intimate with each other.

Waffle has really helped my partner and me stay connected and keep our intimacy strong, even though we’re in a long-distance relationship. With the challenges of being apart, it can be tough to feel close to each other, but Waffle makes it easier. We use it to share little moments and keep in touch in ways that go beyond just texting. It’s been great for sending quick updates, sharing experiences, and even just checking in throughout the day.




Sep 7, 2024

A great app with a great purpose

Using waffle with :

My friends

We use Waffle to share poetry and thoughts from the day. It gives us an outlet without sharing our personal journal. Since we don't see each other often, it's very important we stay connected somehow. It's a great app with a great purpose. For us, being interconnected through writing is perfect since we are busy university students and don't have time to call either.




Sep 23, 2024

Keeps us grounded and makes progress easy to track

Using waffle with :

My close friend

My close friend and I use Waffle to document our feelings and track how well we’re staying on top of our self-care goals, like eating well, sleeping, getting outside more, and keeping up with important events.

It keeps us grounded and makes progress easy to track when mental illness clouds the vision of our journey. It's helped us connect and inspired us to stick to our plans more than we would without Waffle's help. While maintaining streaks is difficult due to our schedules, we’re working hard to post a journal entry as soon as we’re free.




Sep 24, 2024

Helped us work through some difficult issues and even improved our bedroom life

Using waffle with :

My partner

Waffle has allowed my partner and me to understand each other better—our communication styles, struggles, and insecurities. It has helped us work through some difficult issues that we couldn't necessarily voice vocally to each other. It has even improved our bedroom life with further understanding of each other's needs and wants.




Oct 3, 2024

Waffle helps me open up in my D/s relationship

Using waffle with :

My husband

My husband and I are in a D/s (Dom/sub) relationship. I'm a little shy, so it's really hard for me to find the courage to tell him about all the things I want to try; not to mention, I've always been a much better writer than speaker. I love that Waffle lets me open up and communicate in a shared digital journal that we can both access whenever we want, and that we can use it to try the things we both agree on (remember, y'all: consent is sexy!).

Our intimacy was great before, but now it's even better! Not only are we trying new things and being more open about what we both like and want to try, but it's so much fun for him to be able to read what I've written and get inspired. It's also great that, in writing it down, I feel like I'm learning more about myself, which is a pretty nice bonus!




Oct 3, 2024

We’re in a long-distance relationship

Using waffle with :

My partner

I share this with my partner who struggles with anxiety and depression, and would like to help show him how journaling and keeping a gratitude journal helped me significantly years ago.

He has struggled keeping a physical journal especially when I don't push him or "nag" him about it everyday, especially because we're in a long-distance relationship. With this app, I see him writing early in the morning when he sees his boys off to school or make breakfast for them. We have so far never missed a day so far - and assured them that it's okay to write the same things over and over in the beginning.




Oct 19, 2024

Helps us to stay in touch without being over bearing at the same time

Using waffle with :

My friends

Waffle has given me a way to connect with my friend during the summer because all of us are busy and away during that time.

This app allows me to answer and compare answers with my other friends (sophia and percy). The question waffle asks are fun and easy to understand. It lets me know what my friends are thinking without having to ask.

Waffle also lets us jot down whatever we’re thinking and shares it with the other group member.

It’s helps us to stay in touch without being over bearing at the same time.




Jul 14, 2023

Documenting my mental health journey and my progress

Using waffle with :


It holds me accountable to keep using the app and add photos and memories.

It shows me what I've done that has improved my life and what hasn't worked. I like adding emojis to make my journal posts cuter and looking back makes me smile when I see it all.

The one journal I am using right now is just for me, but I would be excited to try out journaling with someone else who also likes journaling.




Jul 25, 2023

We communicate much better when we can journal about our days on Waffle

Using waffle with :

My long-distance partner

I use it by myself for journaling, and with my partner to stay more connected while we’re longer distance.

We communicate much better when we journal about our days and react to them. Journaling together allows us to see a more complete picture of each other's day.

This is especially important because we're both autistic, and talking about our days can lead to tangents and become particularly challenging when we go non-verbal.

So having the ability to type out all our thoughts and experiences without interruption enables us to be more thorough and well-thought-out.




Jul 27, 2023

Express myself fully with no judgment

Using waffle with :

My boyfriend

I use Waffle to journal about my feelings and about major events that occur in my life! I don’t really use Waffle with other people, but it’s really enjoyable to write with or without others!

Waffle has brought positive changes to my life because I’ve been able to express myself fully with no judgment in the app. There’s just something about Waffle that makes me prefer journaling there than in other apps!

Waffle has also brought positive changes to my relationship because my boyfriend was able to see how I felt during certain situations and was also able to write his own stuff on the app.

I genuinely prefer using Waffle over other apps! I’ve been using it since my freshman year of high school and I’ve loved it ever since.




Jul 29, 2023

Feel more cherished by the other

Using waffle with :

My wife

My wife and I share a journal, used mostly for positive affirmations.

We try to leave a comment day about something that we appreciate or like about each other. We also use it to post about meaningful memories and times that we want to remember.

The daily questions are great; we sometimes answer those as a way to get to know each other more.

This has helped us become closer and feel more cherished by the other.




Jul 30, 2023

I do not feel as alone in life and am starting to feel better

Using waffle with :

My best friend

I find satisfaction in sharing feelings with someone else who also feels the same way as me, I am not alone.

I do not feel as alone in life and am starting to feel better, I have struggled with different things and I want people to know that no matter how they are feeling there is someone out there who feels the exact same way.

I am growing and learning things from the way that we all share with each other things about our day and life. I hope I can continue to find people to do that with, I am trying to help change people for the better.

I can try to help just by sharing things with the people I am closest to.




Jul 30, 2023

Helped me to stay off social media

Using waffle with :

My long-distance best friend

Waffle has helped my long distance best friend and I reconnect after the Air Force decided we couldn't live in the same state anymore thanks to a classic PCS.

We were roommates for a little under a year out in Texas and grew such a unique bond/friendship through deep early morning conversations, afternoon runs/hikes and being there for one another day in and day out through difficult situations.

We have struggled to plan FaceTime chats with both of our busy schedules and being on vastly different time zones.

Waffle created a wonderful avenue for us to continue to share in each other's day as well as discuss and reflect on deep topics, while not feeling guilty for not being able to answer the phone.

It's given us a vessel to feel like we are able to share in a special moment together, while not requiring that they respond right away or stop why they're doing and answer a phone call/FT.

It also feels more personalized and has helped me to stay off socials more because I'm bonding with my close knit crew, which holds a deeper meaning to me.

I'm very thankful for this app :)




Jul 31, 2023

I love when I get a notification

Using waffle with :

My family

I have an account with my husband and each of my children, separately. I love sending them notes.

I try to capture memories throughout the week to share. The daily question helps prompt me when I don’t have an idea on my mind.

I love when I get a notification that I have a note from one of my loved ones. It lifts my spirits to know someone is thinking of me. I also enjoy giving that joy to someone else by sending notes, thoughts and memories to them.

It is a great way for me and my husband to connect. It is a special part of our relationship that we share, just the two of us.

Thank you Waffle for creating an app that allows me to share my love, from writing a simple note to composing paragraphs.




Aug 1, 2023

A way to bond deeper

Using waffle with :

My boyfriend

I use it with my boyfriend and we make lists on things we want to do together as a couple and things we like about each other in the relationship to see how we develop and what works and what doesn’t in our relationship.

It has Improved our overall communication, it’s nice being able to write something down and knowing they’ll see it and take it constructively since that’s what we use it for.

The little daily questions that are nice conversation starters and often are a way to bond a lil deeper.

We also have a journal called quotes that has silly lil lines that we say and we put them there to revisit for a laugh. We have one where we update about specific things that happen throughout our day without the other.




Aug 2, 2023

Shows me different ways my boyfriend is thinking about me and his feelings

Using waffle with :

My boyfriend

I use Waffle to keep my boyfriend updated on my life since we are long distance at the moment and also use the prompts to learn more about each other.

My boyfriend and I are closer by using Waffle and it lets us get to know each other better due to the prompts that ask questions that we wouldn’t even think to ask each other.

By using Waffle, it shows me different ways my boyfriend is thinking about me and his feelings even when he’s not telling me verbally how he feels.

I get to know the inner workings of his brain due to the thought provoking questions as well as wake up to cute messages.

It has let us become closer as partners and I’m grateful for this app.




Aug 2, 2023

Waffle helps take distance away

Using waffle with :

My best friend

I use Waffle daily to keep in touch with my best friend who moved to Hawaii, which is about a 10-hour flight from where I live. It's been amazing for us to share anything and everything with each other.

Waffle has enabled us to continue sharing things we wouldn't normally remember, certain mundane details I wouldn't bother sending in a text, but things I would definitely tell my best friend when I saw her every day!

Right before she left, I had just moved to the side of town where she lived, and we were practically neighbors. It was amazing. But then she moved, which was an incredible opportunity for her, but it definitely makes hanging out all the time much harder.

Waffle helps take that distance away by letting us share anything all of the time without sending a text!

I really enjoy the app specifically because it’s like instagram but far more private and just for us, and it’s less pressure than a text or a phone call so we can share anything whenever.

This is really great for time zones, neither of us have to worry about missing something from the other.




Aug 4, 2023

We spent our entire anniversary just writing essays for each other

Using waffle with :

My long-distance girlfriend

Whenever me and my girlfriend are going through a bad time, (We're LDR) I'll just send a haiku or a small quip about our day. That makes moments feel closer.

The app just brought us closer man. Like really close dude. We ended up having a hidden love for poetry due to its journalistic nature of the app.

It was like an immortal unbreakable super cool notebook. It got me into journaling more about the little things, made me appreciate life more and just her in general in writing.

We spent our entire anniversary just writing essays for each other on that app, and much much more love letter that was made easier due to the app.




Aug 6, 2023

It's something I get to look forward to everyday

Using waffle with :

My girlfriend, best friend, and roommates

I use Waffle with my long distance girlfriend.

We use it to document our days, so that even when we don’t get to talk much, we have entries to go over and look at. It helps us keep up with day to day experiences we are having while being so far apart.

I also use Waffle with my long distance best friend and my roommate to have conversations that are hard to have in person in order to address our conflicts.

It is one of the many ways me and my partner stay connected, but it especially helps us focus on some of the more happy moments we have and want to share. We use it to gossip, share stories, leave recaps, and sometimes just write about how we appericiate our relationship.

I love it because it's something I get to look forward to everyday, and has helped me get into the habit of journaling more frequently!




Aug 6, 2023

Allows me to connect in a unique way with my boyfriend

Using waffle with :

My boyfriend

I essentially use waffle to write love letters to my long distance boyfriend.

It allows us to leave sweet reminders to one another throughout the day! We also have a journal together where we share date ideas for the future.

It allows me to connect in a unique way with my boyfriend and lets us express our feelings whenever we want!

It’s a lot more efficient and quick especially when we don’t have the time or aren’t able to be near a place to send letters, as my boyfriend often goes out into the woods and camps for his work, leaving us with our phones to correspond with.

Waffle lets me look back at our journal entries and helps me feel closer to him.

I absolutely love waffle and how it’s formatted. The customization of the journals to the shared entries are absolutely beautiful and help me connect more with my partner.




Aug 9, 2023

Using Waffle for at least two years, and it's been excellent

Using waffle with :

My friends

I use it with my friends to document fun times we had with each other. It allowed us to connect with each other personally even when we were physically away from each other.

From silly quotes we say to each other, pictures of our pets, to heartfelt conversations, I’m so happy to have all these instances documented in a cute journal with everyone.

At this point, we have been using Waffle for at least two years, and our experiences with the app have been excellent. I’m also thinking of recommending the app to my family as well.




Aug 9, 2023

We've grown closer together because of Waffle

Using waffle with :

My friends

I use Waffle with my friends to keep a gratitude journal, and since we get notified whenever someone posts an entry, it reminds us to write something of our own.

Keeping a consistent effort with journaling has always been a struggle, even though the benefits of keeping a journal are significant.

With Waffle, it keeps everyone accountable because it notifies you when someone posts an entry.

Keeping a gratitude journal every day has greatly impacted my life and the lives of my friends. We're happier because of it, and we've grown closer together because of Waffle, too.




Aug 12, 2023

Taking some intentional time out of the day to use Waffle

Using waffle with :

My long-distance girlfriend

My girlfriend and I post daily lists of things that made us smile, for the other to read, mostly while we are long distance for school.

It is a good way to reflect on the joys of my day and to experience those of the people I love.

It has helped my girlfriend and I appreciate our lives and each other more by taking some intentional time out of the day to use Waffle.

This has especially helped my girlfriend to recenter at the end of the day and see the many good parts of life that are easily drowned out.

Waffle also helps us keep what we write over time, as there's not another convenient day to do that and share it in the same place.




Aug 14, 2023

I love Waffle and what it's done for our relationship

Using waffle with :

My long-distance partner

I use Waffle with my long-distance boyfriend, Randy.

We have been using it since October of last year, looking for ways we can further connect with each other when I moved back across the country for college.

Having a shared journal has been amazing for our relationship to grow. It also helps grow our relationship with ourself by reflecting on what we have experienced each day.

I love talking to him about our journals and the prompts given to us by Waffle has also made it fun when we have a slow day.

I love Waffle and what it's done for our relationship.




Aug 16, 2023

We're both incredibly happy

Using waffle with :

My girlfriend

My girlfriend and I use Waffle almost every day.

Our relationship has been long-distance since the start, and we started using Waffle as a means for improving our communication during the times when we're apart.

In some ways, Waffle played a big role in saving our relationship. My girlfriend and I had been friends for over a year before we started dating, so once we hit a pretty rough patch about a month in, I was scared that I'd not only lose my girlfriend, but my best friend also.

The problems we were facing mostly had to do with a lack of communication, and I was ultimately drawn to Waffle because of its daily prompts -- which I thought would help us get to know each other better by finding new things to talk about.

A month later, we're both incredibly happy, and the distance between us has become a lot less daunting because of how easily we open up to one another now.




Aug 19, 2023

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants

Using waffle with :

My friends

Me and my best friends have a diary where we write all about our day.

It has made us all feel closer especially over the summer holidays. We wanted to do a diary where we swapped them when we met up but because of holidays and time it would have clashed.

My inspiration was the sisterhood of the traveling pants (I think that’s the name). So I searched up an online diary and immediately knew Waffle was the one. It was so pure and cute. We have been using it for about a month and love it. It’s the best thing. It’s like an updated BeReal.

When my friend says "Waffle time, people" at the end of the day, my face lights up as I’m piqued with interest as to what my friends have been up to.

What I love is that it’s so authentic and sometimes when we don’t have the energy to write it we keep it short and sweet.




Aug 22, 2023

Get to know each other better even though we've been married for 20 years

Using waffle with :

My husband

My husband and I use the Waffle to connect when he travels for work.

It's a way that allows us to more creatively converse than sending text messages, and the journal prompts are a fun way to talk about things that we wouldn't necessarily think of otherwise.

Waffle has enabled us to maintain great conversation, which has helped us to remain close even when we are apart because of work trips.

I also enjoy the continued prompted questions, as it helps us to laugh and get to know each other better even though we've been married for 20 years.

The ease of using the app makes it convenient to jump into conversations when possible, which is much better than our previous version of a shared handwritten notebook.

We love Waffle and hope to continue using it to stay connected.




Aug 23, 2023

Tell each other how much we appreciate each other

Using waffle with :

My fiancé

I use the waffle daily with my fiancé.

We have a weird sleep schedule so I tend to send him my thoughts and little notes at varies times while he is asleep and he does the same thing for me.

I feel like while it hasn't been that long it will surely strength our bond because we can tell each other how much we appreciate each other.

Having a platform I can engage and leave my thoughts on for him that is entirely private and made around that process has been really nice.

I feel like this would also be great for long distance friends as well. Surely, the fact you would take time out of your day to share your thoughts with your loved ones would be highly appreciated.

I can't wait for it allow the bond I share with my fiancé to grow even further as I use this app more.




Aug 24, 2023

A chance to communicate in a lot of ways our relationship was lacking

Using waffle with :

My partner, sisters and myself

I use waffle with my partner, my sisters, and myself.

Waffle has giving me and my partner a chance to communicate in a lot of ways our relationship was lacking.

So it’s improved how we view each other instead of guessing or having to ask and them not knowing how to respond.

The app has changed my life for the better because I can keep all my problems in one place and look back into how a specific person was feeling on an issue they had with me or life.




Aug 31, 2023

Look back on my Waffle while in therapy

Using waffle with :

My boyfriend and therapist

Recently, I’ve been trying to journal my boyfriend and I’s relationship thy has been ongoing for almost 6 years.

I figured that i journaling app would be easier than a physical journal. I also use waffle to journal about vacations I’ve taken, as well as a daily diary.

Waffle allows for me and my boyfriend to connect and to share and relive these positive memories.

I also use waffle to journal about vacations I’ve taken, which allows for me to easily look back on memories. I like Waffle because I can easily share any journal to my loved ones and stay connected.

Waffle is also easy to use / user friendly. Lastly, I enjoy using Waffle because I am able to get my thoughts out and journaling about my daily life.

I like to look back on my Waffle diary journal while in therapy as I can easily have all of my thoughts organized and ready for my session!




Sep 1, 2023

The perfect find for sharing food logs

Using waffle with :

My sister

My sister and I use Waffle as a daily food log. We use it for accountability and to track habits.

Though food journaling may not be the original intent of the app, Waffle has been the perfect find for sharing food logs.

I searched and searched the App Store for a health/fitness app that could connect my sister and I with tracking our diet. My search came up empty until I thought to look for an app outside of the health niche.

Waffle is the perfect fit for us!

We’re both busy moms who can just eat our kids’ leftovers if we’re not intentional about getting proper nutrition. I love that we can quickly track our day and see each other’s progress too.




Sep 4, 2023

Connect on deeper levels

Using waffle with :

My long-distance boyfriend

I use Waffle with my long distance boyfriend, and we do daily recaps of our days and feelings and use the questionnaire feature to learn more about ourselves and each other.

I met my boyfriend the summer I came back from my freshman year of college. We decided we liked each other enough to tackle the challenge of long distance (LA — Boston).

Waffle is one way to stay connected as well as to connect on deeper levels. I look forward to writing my daily entries for him to read multiple times a day!

The question of the day has brought us to really look into ourselves and our relationship, bringing us closer together.

It’s also a fun way to share moments and images in one place, giving us something to look back on when we finally break the distance for good.




Sep 6, 2023

Continued to feel less and less anxious

Using waffle with :

My friend

It helped me explain more about how I feel about the relationship with my friend.

We understood each other better when it came to our romantic feelings for each other. Waffle was great for me because I have a hard time expressing myself in word in front of a person especially someone I have romantic feeling for.

I was about to leave my thought there and he would read them. It's not like I was texting him but sending him letters and I continued to feel less and less anxious around him when talking about sad topics.




Sep 11, 2023

Allows me to vent in a constructive way

Using waffle with :

My friend

I use my waffle account with my best friends and it helps me keep my thoughts in one place.

It allows me to vent in a constructive way!

Waffle journal is such an amazing app and allows me to formulate my thoughts and keep them organized in a way that will be extra helpful for me when I want to refer back to them in therapy sessions.

It also continues to be a wonderful addition to my day to day life and allows me to fully appreciate writing out my own story in a way others can understand.




Sep 11, 2023

Connect on a deeper level

Using waffle with :

My mom

I had been going through a difficult time, dealing with the passing of several loved ones. I found myself spiralling to an increasingly dark place, unable to appreciate the beautiful things in life.

My mom noticed I was struggling and suggested we use a Waffle journal as an outlet for emotions, while also encouraging ourselves to note and share the simple pleasures in our every day lives with each other.

The Waffle journal has allowed me and my mom to connect on a deeper level, and stay up to date on both of our daily experiences.

It's given me a tremendous outlet to offload my thoughts in written form, and has helped me maintain a more balanced mental state by pushing me to register the beauty of life (in addition to the challenges).

It's also helped me and my mom feel less isolated, since we both spend extended periods of time alone.




Sep 12, 2023

A safe space for us to share our emotions without judgment

Using waffle with :

My boyfriend and friends

I've noticed that it's helped out with communicating our concerns and feeling to each other.

Both me and my boyfriend struggle with sharing our feeling (me more than him). Granted we both been through a lot with our pasts.

Our journal provides a safe space for us to share our emotions without judgment. It also has allowed to be able to open up more with each other. We can share our funny moments, our sad moments and our happy moments.




Sep 17, 2023

Has been really helpful to connect with friends from college

Using waffle with :

My friends from college

My friends from college, we use it to keep in touch with each other even tho we don’t see each other as often.

Keeping in contact with friends and knowing what’s going on in their lives. Also journaling has helped me organize my thoughts and feel less chaotic.

Being able to easily document what’s going on in my life and my feeling towards it has been really helpful.

I don’t feel as dependent on having to vent out my thoughts to others since I can write it out on Waffle instead.




Sep 22, 2023

Allows us to communicate even when we are both busy

Using waffle with :

My best friend

I use waffle with my best friend. She lives very far away, and we have a book club together.

We use waffle to write about the books we read. We also have a separate journal together where we post photos of clouds and write notes to each other.

It allows me to still do fun activities with my best friend who I only get to physically see about once a year. I live in the south west of England and she lives in the Isle of Skye, Scotland.

It allows us to enjoy a hobby together! It allows us to communicate even when we are both busy. It allows a different avenue of communication which can be expressive, without it being a texted back and forth conversation.

It’s a great app. Glad I found it. Thank you.




Sep 24, 2023

Dive deeper with our connection

Using waffle with :

My partner

My partner and I use it as a means to keep connected while I am away for work.

It's helpful as a place to leave notes and thoughts that are separate from our day to day conversation.

The daily questions add to ways we are getting to know each other. We also share pictures and use our own questions to dive deeper with our connection.

Sometimes I'm on different hours than her, so it's a cool spot that I can leave random thoughts.




Sep 27, 2023

Allows me to connect with my partner without missing life outside my phone

Using waffle with :

My partner

Waffle has been great in allowing me to connect with my partner without missing life outside my phone.

We take a quick snapshot of what we're doing, caption it to let the other know what's happening, then we move on with what we're doing.

It's a great way to connect and do independent tasks without making it feel lonely.




Sep 28, 2023

It’s how I connect with my friends and I love it

Using waffle with :

My friends

I love it. I use it with my friends to connect with people and tell each other about school since we go to different schools.

It helps me connect with my friends since I moved away, and we talk about school and gossip😏 Thank you people at waffle for making this all possible!

It’s how I connect with my friends since one of them does not a have a phone number and cannot text. I love it!!!!!




Oct 2, 2023

Makes it easier to share my thoughts and feelings with my husband

Using waffle with :

My husband

I keep a relationship journal with my husband and a food journal for my health.

Waffle makes it easier to share my thoughts and feelings with my husband in the short term, and it allows us to revisit our journey with pictures and daily entries in the long term.

The daily questions target both the individual and the relationship to surface questions you normally wouldn't think to ask.




Oct 3, 2023

A great way to express how much you love your partner

Using waffle with :

My partner

I use the app with my girlfriend every day.

Positive changes that Waffle has made on my relationship is that it shows how much we love each other.

We do it as early in the morning but also really late.

It's a great way to express how much you love your partner in lots of different ways and gets us to talk about lots of different subjects.




Oct 17, 2023

A journal for processing things related to my relationship

Using waffle with :

My partner

I made a journal for processing things related to my relationship, one for saving the haikus my partner writes to me, and then we have our shared one to write goofy things and "I love you"s to each other.

I want to get my other friends in on it so we can write to each other more regularly.




Oct 18, 2023

Helps to build relationships as adults

Using waffle with :

My mom and sister

I use Waffle daily to connect with my mom and sister, and build our relationship as adults.

My mom, sister and I live in three different states. The prompts have allowed us to discuss new topics, reminisce about memories and all in all connect on a deeper level.

We still text, but those are usually in the moment texts here and there. Now we reach out to each other more and often talk about the prompts from Waffle.




Oct 26, 2023

Lets you share something that can be embarrasing to your partner without directly bringing it up

Using waffle with :

My girlfriend

Waffle lets you share something that can be embarrasing to your partner without directly bringing it up.

Everyday me and my partner answer the daily question (they are very thought provoking!), and write a journal entry at the end of the day.

It helps me and my girlfriend be better connected, as well as learn how each other's day went.

It's great, because occasionally it can be embarrassing to bring up something that happened during the day in conversation.

But writing it in Waffle let's you share it to your partner without directly bringing it up.




Oct 30, 2023

Helps me see what she needs help with so I can give it to her

Using waffle with :

My partner

I use waffle everyday not only to keep in touch with my partner, but also learn about the things in their story that have made them who they are.

Waffle has helped me understand my lover and what she has been through so I can comfort her.

She has old trauma from a bad relationship in the past, and she relies on me to help her.

Luckily, waffle helps me see what she needs help with so I can give it to her. Not only that, but we also get to understand each other in ways we normally wouldn't.

Using waffle has helped me and my lover have a more connected and happy relationship together.




Nov 21, 2023

I'm using Waffle as a wedding gift

Using waffle with :

My future husband

I'm using Waffle as a wedding gift.

I'm making a journal specifically for my future husband. I'm answering questions about him, our relationship, & including other stories that aren't sparked by prompts. He does not know about this app & I plan to give him access the night before our wedding.

It has made me examine & discover how much I appreciate my relationship. I couldn't ask for a more loving or supportive man. My future husband & I really are perfect for one another.

I cannot wait to give him this journal, but I'm secretly hoping that we don't get married too soon so I can make the journal as detailed & intricate as possible.




Nov 6, 2023

It's a form of therapy. Brought me and my sister closer than ever.

Using waffle with :

My sister

The Waffle app has brought me and my sister closer than ever. It's a form of therapy as well because I'm able to share any thought that crosses my mind with my sister anytime, anywhere.

Traveling has become stress-free because I'm now able to plan everything ahead of time and visualize it before sharing it with whoever I'm traveling with.

Knowing that I can easily build a plan with other people around the world through the Waffle app makes me feel at ease.

Overall, the app helps us keep our bond tight despite the long distance between us and it feels like we are an old couple because we share everything on there.




Nov 19, 2023

Working through tough topics has become so much easier for us

Using waffle with :

My significant other

I have a shared journal with my significant other so we can work through problems without getting caught up in the moment and it is really making a difference for us.

I've tried similar apps and real world journals but he never used them more than once. For whatever reason, this one works for him. I also keep a journal for myself and one I'll share with my son's when they're older.

Working through tough topics has become so much easier for us, there's real communication that happens now.

The prompts and questions make it easy to find something to write about and the remind feature is great.




Dec 6, 2023

Helps me get out my feelings without having to burden someone else

Using waffle with :

My partner

I use Waffle to describe my day to my partner. It helps me get out my feelings without having to burden someone else.

If there's anything that annoys me or makes me happy or something I want to remember I can look back at it and learn from it or have it stored to refer to later.

I forget everything so it's very helpful to keep memories of experiences.




Dec 13, 2023

Keeps us strong and connected

Using waffle with :

My partner

My partner and I use this journal to help us journal our memorable and loving moments together, so we can look back and cherish them whenever we want to take a trip down memory lane.

I have a fading memory, and often have a hard time with self assurance in relationships, while my partner likes to bond over special moments together.

Waffle has allowed us to journal our relationship in a special and unique way that keeps us strong and connected.

The daily questions also help our relationship grow with new insight we gain with one another.




Dec 16, 2023

Really positive tool

Using waffle with :

My son and my husband

I use Waffle to write about moments from my day with my son.

A friend told me she wishes she'd written down the little things, so that's what I do. My husband can see my entries and see what we've been up to.

It's been a really positive tool to use for me to reflect on the day and take note of the little moments that made the day special. I love that you can add a photo for each entry aswell.

It's a great way to capture moments and keep record of things I am grateful for. I love that I can share it with my husband too.




Dec 25, 2023

Allows us to have smaller updates throughout the day with no added pressure

Using waffle with :

My partner

More communication on a regular basis which helps us strive to grow and learn together but also keeps us updated on each other's lives throughout the day.

That really helps, especially when texting or calling can be too overwhelming or stressful.

Waffle allows us to have smaller updates throughout the day with no added pressure.




Jan 3, 2023

Helped us so much with our communication while going through a difficult time

Using waffle with :

My spouse

I use Waffle with my spouse who is deployed over seas in the army. Everyday we journal what we did that day, how we felt, and upload any pictures we took from that day.

Sometimes it’s hard to connect with my spouse when we are in an 8 hour difference time zone. Using waffle has helped us be able to stay in touch even when we’re on opposite sides of the world.

This has helped us so much with our communication while going through a difficult time.




Jan 7, 2024

When we are upset and can’t seem to communicate well with each other

Using waffle with :

My partner

We are able to use the app when we are upset and can’t seem to communicate well with each other.

It allows us to write out our feelings and the other person can read and understand what is said and felt. We have trouble communicating how we feel sometimes without the other person being defensive or without it being taken then wrong way.

Journaling on Waffle helps with this.




Jan 18, 2024

Discuss the things that really matter to us in a non confrontational way

Using waffle with :

My teenage daughter

I use the app to communicate with my teenage daughter.

This app has allowed us to talk about things that are not easy to talk about in person and to discuss the things that really matter to us in a non confrontational way. Also allows us to stay in touch when apart.




Feb 12, 2024

Made us more engaged with each other in our daily lives and talk more than ever before.

Using waffle with :

My two best friends

I use Waffle with my two best friends.

We update the journal entries with the daily questions to learn more about each other that doesn’t normally come up in casual conversation.

It’s brought me closer to the people that I care most about in this world.

By learning more about them through the questions or any random thoughts they have, I feel I get to know them even better than before.

We’re more engaged with each other in our daily lives and talk more than ever before.

I just like the app a lot.




Oct 2, 2023

My digital journal for writing and inspiration

Using waffle with :


It's my digital journal for writing and inspiration.

I can look at my entries on my phone no matter where I am. The app is very organized so I can have multiple journals with different categories. It's an easy reference in case I need to remember something.

It's easy to use and I would recommend it. I use the app everyday for journaling.




Mar 22, 2024

Whenever we may feel a certain type of way

Using waffle with :

My partner

I use Waffle with my lovely partner and we encourage each other to put in a entry everyday and whenever we may feel a certain type of way.

It let me know how my partner thinks about things, what makes him happy, what makes him sad. What his inner thoughts are and it brought us so much closer.

He also got to find out how I think and what may bother me, what makes me happy or sad. It helped us communicate on a better level.




Mar 23, 2024

Relive our memories together

Using waffle with :

My girlfriend

My girlfriend and I have a shared journal where we keep special moments, scriptures, quotes, etc.

We just feel so cute and romantic sharing our memories. This was something that I wanted to do for my girlfriend for Valentine's Day and it just provided the perfect format to do it.

We are able to relive our memories together and remember how happy we make each other.

Waffle is so awesome and perfect for us!




Mar 23, 2024

Waffle has given peace of mind for me and my family

Using waffle with :

My mum and brother

Waffle has allowed me to go traveling, despite being on a recovery journey from an eating disorder.

At home I was having a food diary checked daily by my family, but traveling alone there was no easy way to set this up.

Waffle has provided a platform for me to photograph and post my food diary entries. On the diary my family can then check it daily and comment.

Waffle has given peace of mind for me and my family. I can be flexible and have a good trip but also ensure I am sticking to my meal plan.

The interface is good and the app very easy to use, too.


Waffle user


Mar 24, 2024

Improved both our communication and understanding of each other

Using waffle with :

My partner

Journaling together has improved both our communication and understanding of each other.

While we use our own prompts instead of Waffle's (it seems to be the only app to allow you to turn that off!) it has been a breeze and a joy to use!

I'm so glad to have found it after going through nearly a dozen apps that seemed promising, but wouldn't allow for enough freedom for what we needed.




Mar 25, 2024

Definitely helps us stay connected as we spread out across the country

Using waffle with :

Myself, my friends and family

I use Waffle mostly as a personal journal. I have a couple of friends I keep in touch with through different journals as well.

Waffle as provided a space for my thoughts as I've gone through some tough moments in my life.

I appreciate the daily journal entry suggestions on days I can't think of what to write.

And being able to share journals with family definitely helps us stay connected as we spread out across the country.




Mar 25, 2024

Help better connect with my feelings and share with my therapist

Using waffle with :

My therapist

My therapist recommended that I journal daily to help better connect with my feelings and what they might mean.

Waffle has been amazing because it's allowed me to write down my thoughts, attach images or screenshots of things that were important that day, and share all of this with my therapist so she can get an inside view of my thoughts.

It's been amazing for my growth and transformation!

I have a hard time writing in a traditional journal and so an electronic one, like Waffle, has made it far easier for me to get the thoughts and feelings out of my head.

I feel like I have a level of clarity around things I otherwise wouldn't have! I love the prompts that I'm given too as it gets me to think about other things and share those thoughts and feelings.




Mar 27, 2024

Feel seen, heard, and loved

Using waffle with :

My fiance

I use Waffle with my fiance. We take turns journaling in there to write about updates big and small!

Waffle brings my fiance and I closer together. It's the little things that maintain a strong relationship and make both partners feel seen, heard, and loved.

Waffle is one of those little things that reminds me that she's thinking of me and the joy we have together, and vice versa.

And we are reminding each other of these things, we are making it so that we DON'T accidentally make the other feel UNseen or UNheard.

With Waffle, we know the love and thoughtfulness is there. I enjoy getting a notification on Waffle, whether it's a new update, or a reminder to post my own.




Mar 27, 2024

Documenting our life together -- the highs, lows, and little things in between

Using waffle with :

My husband

My husband and I use Waffle as a shared journal.

Using Waffle has helped us reflect and practice gratitude in our relationship. We don't post every day, but we take turns documenting our life together -- the highs, lows, and little things in between.

We'll often write cute little love notes in our Waffle for the other to find later, too. It's been such a great tool for helping us build a strong foundation in our marriage.




Mar 27, 2024

Been able to tell my siblings my struggles and learn theirs

Using waffle with :

My brother, sister and partner

I use Waffle with my brother and sister as a siblings journal and I use it with my partner as a couples journal.

Waffle has really helped us form deeper connections. I've been able to tell my siblings my struggles and learn theirs and I've been able to form deeper connections with my partner by answering the daily questions or creating our own entries.

My brother lives in Louisiana and my sister lives in Texas and long distance sibling relationships are so hard and waffle helps us connect on a deeper level.




Mar 29, 2024

This app has made staying in touch much more accessible for us

Using waffle with :

My best friend

My best friend and I have been Journaling since we were in grade school. We are 40 years old now.

My best friend since the age of 9, Crystal, and I don't see each other as much as we used to, but this app has helped us stay connected and has made it fun for us to do so.

We can send photos and links, and it has helped improve our friendship.

We used to write in a book and swap it whenever we saw each other, but in our adult lives, this has become difficult. This app has made staying in touch much more accessible for us.




Mar 30, 2024

I feel more at ease expressing myself openly and honestly

Using waffle with :

My girlfriend

Waffle has significantly enriched my relationship with my partner by providing a comfortable space for us to connect on a deeper level.

While face-to-face communication is invaluable, there are moments when expressing intricate thoughts and emotions can feel daunting.

Waffle offers a relaxed environment where I feel more at ease expressing myself openly and honestly. It serves as a platform where we can engage in meaningful conversations, share our thoughts, dreams, and aspirations without the pressure of immediate responses or distractions.

This deeper level of connection strengthens our bond and fosters a greater understanding and appreciation for each other's perspectives and experiences.

I love this app, especially the suggested AI prompts. Makes it fun and easy to share with my self and partner.




Mar 31, 2024

An easy way to recognize each other for simple small things

Using waffle with :

My partner

Waffle is a great app, and a fantastic way for people to share thoughts, feelings and ideas.

I use Waffle with my partner as a way to celebrate little victories and positive daily events.

Waffle has helped my partner and I have an easy way to recognize each other for simple small things.

Sometimes as simple as writing an entry about how meaningful it is that one of us did a tedious chore, or how much fun we had on our date night, or even just as a place to express our love!




Apr 6, 2024

Keeping each other accountable

Using waffle with :

My childhood best friend

I use Waffle with my childhood best friend who lives in a different country on the other side of the world.

We are keeping each other accountable and also are able to journal what we are going through and be thankful for.

It has been a rough time in different aspects (me through motherhood and feeling loss of identity) for both of us (her going through a very difficult breakup).

Hoping this can bring us some peace during our day to meditate and focus on things that matter.




Apr 9, 2024

Really given us a way to be vulnerable

Using waffle with :

My girlfriend

I use waffle with my girlfriend. We started off as a distance relationship and it was a good way to put our thoughts down and allow us to share bigger ideas with out relying on text.

It also gave us space to reflect without the need to respond in the moment which is often the case via phone call. She's since been able to move closer but I still find it valuable.

I have a daily reminder set for 1pm and it just helps to keep her front of mind. I also like that I can scroll back through and see the subjects we've worked through. There are also special dates or moments that I can reference back to that help me be a more engaged partner.

It's given us a way to share about hard topics in a safe space. We don't always have time to sit down and have a deep conversation but to be able to read her thoughts and reflect on them has helped us grow as a couple.

We are both divorced and have kids so there are lots of different aspects to blending a family together. We also have different parts of our own stories that we are trying to work through. This has really given us a way to be vulnerable and break old habits.




Apr 11, 2024

A few minutes out of our day to stay connected

Using waffle with :

My long-distance friends

My friends and I rarely get to catch up face-to-face because of location and timezone differences.

Waffle helps us to take a few minutes out of our day to stay connected and keep each other accountable for our personal goals and stay up to date in regards to each other's lives.




Apr 12, 2024

Helped me keep track of thoughts I want to discuss with my therapist

Using waffle with :

My therapist

I use it as a therapy journal, and also use it to write short stories that only a select few people can read.

It's helped me get my thoughts out, both on the therapeutic side and my creative side.

The therapy journaling, especially, had helped me keep track of thoughts I want to discuss with my therapist, without having to carry a notebook.

On the creative side, it has helped me be able to write my stories without fears of people stumbling across what I've written.




Apr 17, 2024

This app helps me be who I am and keeps me safe.

Using waffle with :

My family and myself

I struggle with my mental health and so I have two journals: One for me personally, and the other for my family and I.

I use my personal journal to write about my day to day life, worries, and to track my mental health. I use my second journal to track my weight loss progress and to track my fitness.

I love using this app because it improves how i am able to track my mental health over time, and allows me to write how I am feeling without having a lot of physical journals that cost money.

It greatly improves my life and how I view myself and my mental health. This app helps me be who I am and keeps me safe.




Apr 25, 2024

Helps me a lot to accept and be more welcoming towards my feelings

Using waffle with :

My therapist

By using Waffle, I started to learn and to accept that my thoughts are valid, no matter what, they are there for a reason.

It helped me tons by learning to accept and be more welcoming towards my feelings, they aren't the "bad guy", rather they are there to protect me; even though sometimes they act out or act funny.

My emotions are normally all over the place, the fact that I am trying to do better, means that I'm in a good path, and I'm glad Waffle can help me by doing that.




Apr 22, 2024

Therapy for us

Using waffle with :

My ethical non-monogamy partner

I use waffle as a shared journaling spot for my ENM (Ethical non-monogamy) partner and I. It’s helpful to sometimes have someone’s raw feelings to understand and being able to journal to each other has greatly helped our communication skills and provided a sort of therapy for us both!

I feel like I am able to communicate better, I'm jotting down thoughts that I would have otherwise forgotten and it helps to have a journal buddy to hold each other accountable. We are able to share more open and honest feelings and get each other raw input on issues or how each other is feeling about topics that might otherwise be difficult to discuss.


Mariah Mc


Apr 26, 2024

Helped me encourage and uplift her

Using waffle with :

A young girl who is struggling

I am using a shared journal in waffle with a young girl who is struggling with mental health issues.

It is a place where I am encouraging her to write each day what she is grateful for. We can't be anxious and grateful at the same time. It is a great place for us to journal together and keep track of her progress.

It has helped me encourage this girl, uplift her and also it lets her know that I've usually written too and she has some support close by. She can access the journal when she wants, as well as it not alerting to others that she is writing in it.

Plus it is also a great way to check in and share day to day things that are happening and keep involved I each others lives from a distance.




Apr 28, 2024

Learn about his thoughts and feelings

Using waffle with :

My boyfriend, friends and myself

I use Waffle either as a journal for myself or with him but also to show off how cute my boyfriend is to my friends

It's nice to have a spot to have a stream of consciousness without spam texting and I don't have to worry about losing it eventually. I can keep it and look at it whenever I need to either read a comforting message or to learn about his thoughts and feelings. It's also a great space for me to articulate my thoughts better.




May 1, 2024

Helps us come together and spend a few moments thinking about our week/days

Using waffle with :

My partner

It helps us connect and also record memories for the week so that we can come back and look at things that have happened and things we have enjoyed and maybe not enjoyed. It helps us come together and spend a few moments thinking about our week/days and writing down our thoughts, which helps us to slow down for a bit.




May 9, 2024

Document dreams and thoughts

Using waffle with :

My best friend

Me and my best friend use the waffle app to share information, document dreams and thoughts.

It helps us share things easily and organize thoughts better. We can access an app from two different phones and can put things on for the both of us to see. Saved us a lot of convenience. We've logged our dreams, schedules, photos, silly questions.

Very good app overall.




May 11, 2024

Helped open a new line of communication for us

Using waffle with :

My boyfriend

I have been answering the Waffle of the Day question and then writing about how my day was and anything that's been on my mind. I share it with my boyfriend.

It has helped open a new line of communication for us. While I don't always have anything to write about, the waffle question of the day is a good " ice breaker."

Having the option for your partner to leave a comment is nice. My boyfriend can answer a question I've asked or comment on something I've mentioned which leads to more conversation.




Apr 14, 2024

A great help in talking over our feelings

Using waffle with :

My boyfriend

I use it with my boyfriend. I recently moved away to follow a new career path.

It has made it easier to maintain and keep my relationship in order. I have always struggled with communication and discussing my feelings.

It has been so easy to do that Waffle! We use it like a diary of sorts, and also have another one to plan out our schedule for each week.

It has been such a great help in talking over our feelings and things going on in our lives.




Apr 15, 2024

I use it nearly every day with my long distance boyfriend

Using waffle with :

My long-distance boyfriend

I use it nearly every day with my long distance boyfriend. We like to answer the daily prompts so we can learn more about each other.

I'd say it's made myself and my partner feel much closer to each other. The questions asked are genuine and interesting, and not necessarily something I'd think to ask him on my own. I'm always looking forward to seeing his answers and learning more about the way he thinks. He's said the same of my answers, too.

We both really enjoy answering the Waffle each day, especially because we live in different states right now. It makes us feel so much more connected and I really appreciate that about Waffle.




May 16, 2024

Honestly it's amazing

Using waffle with :

My long-distance girlfriend

I use it to learn and have fun with my girlfriend she lives in Texas and I live in GA so it's a nice way to be closer.

Honestly, it's amazing how we've learned so much about each other through waffle its really cool because it comes up with things that you'd never really think to ask personally so it helps it's also fun to keep streaks posting daily so it's also a fun little goal for the both of us.




May 17, 2024

A tool to share my thoughts, ideas, or things that resonate

Using waffle with :

My daughter

I use it to summerize important things that resonate with me from self help books that I read and it allows my daughter and I to write entries to each other if we want.

I am grateful that I can put my thoughts into writing and go back later to re-read them. I love the ability to share posts with my loved ones and we can write posts to each other. I enjoy the access from my phone and tablet. It is a tool to share my thoughts, ideas, or things that resonate.




May 22, 2024

Stay connected while we are separated due to the military

Using waffle with :

My Daughter

This app has helped my daughter and I stay connected while we are separated due to the military. We use FaceTime apps to chat but the Waffle app connects us on a more personal level and helps us bond.

The journal/question prompts are a fun way to learn interests about my daughter that I didn't even know she was interested in. We were excited to see each others replies every day.

Waffle has improved our lives by creating a space where we can stay connected, even while we are miles apart.




May 24, 2024

I use it with my wife to tell her that I love her

Using waffle with :

My wife

I use it with my wife to tell her that I love her. How important she is to me. How much life means to me now that she's here.

Waffle opens up a new avenue of communication that I never had before with my wife. It's a neat idea and I love the fact that you can see your communication evolve over time. I really love being able to tell my wife how I feel and leave little notes to her while she's busy.


Nate Holcomb


May 31, 2024

Made me feel vulnerable and close to her over long distances

Using waffle with :

My best friend

While I was studying abroad at the Universidad de Cantabria in Spain, my best friend was studying at Cornell University in New York. Everyday (or every few days if we're being completely honest) we would use the free version to post one picture and some stories from our day there.

Waffle has made it so much easier to stay in touch across a time difference of 6 hours. We would leave comments on each others and love having more a concrete record of our conversations than just text messages. It has made me personally reflect more on my experiences, becoming more appreciative of how lucky I am as I recognize just how many things I was excited to share. Letting a best friend have a direct view into what I was treating as my personal diary made me feel vulnerable and close to her over long distances. Having her watching and interacting also helped hold me accountable whereas when I have tried to regularly journal in the past I have lost motivation, I kept this up the whole semester!




Jun 5, 2024

Makes it easy to keep track of our memories and look back on them

Using waffle with :

My girlfriend

My girlfriend, is keeping track of our dates.

The Waffle app makes it easy to keep track of our memories and look back on them whenever we want. If we didn't write these moments down somewhere, they'd probably fade away over time. What's really great about using Waffle is that we can upload pictures along with our notes, so it's much better than just passing a journal back and forth. It’s nice to have everything in one place where we can both add to it and see it whenever we want.




Jun 6, 2024

We begun to fix those scars

Using waffle with :

My girlfriend

I use Waffle with my girlfriend and we use it to communicate in a safe place the important and difficult topics in our relationship.

It has helped us both to identify and express our issues from previous toxic relationships we were in and trauma triggers as well. In doing so we have begun to fix those scars and really make positive changes together. I think it has been an amazing experience and something we are going to continue using for a long time.




Jun 20, 2024

A judgment-free zone

Using waffle with :

My future husband

We have very open communication in our journal without it becoming a deep fight. It helps us understand each other without taking it personally. We just try to be as open as we can with each other. We both have bad tempers, and this helps a lot. We've been through a lot of trauma in our lives, so we decided to use this app as a judgment-free zone.




Jun 21, 2024

It keeps us connected

Using waffle with :

My long-distance boyfriend

I use it to journal my day every evening so that my boyfriend can hear about what I've been up to and I can hear what he's been up to, because we are in very different timezones and rarely get to chat or call.

It keeps us connected and let's me know how he's going and how I can pray for him. If we didn't have waffle then we would not be able to keep as connected as we are. I wouldn't know what's happening in his life and he wouldn't be able to hear about my travels, because I don't have any other social media.




Jun 26, 2024

Waffle saved my relationship

Using waffle with :

My beautiful girlfriend

Waffle has improved my relationship so much since I am a very closed off person that cannot talk about my feelings and my struggles. She was actually going to leave me because of this reason but instead we took a break and used this app to communicate once per day. It has helped me communicate more to the love of my life about how I feel and what I am going through. Because of this me and her have never felt closer and connected.


Scott P


Jul 20, 2024

Helped us generate conversations that we otherwise would not have had

Using waffle with :

My wife

Waffle has given me more insight in what my partner and I want and looking at life in different ways. We talk about our entries and how we see things for ourselves and together. I have learnt more about my partner and think she has learned some new things about me. It helps us communicate better and generate conversations that we probably would not have brought up without questions from you.




Jul 25, 2024

Talk about things that don’t come up naturally without intention

Using waffle with :

My loved one

Waffle has deepened the connection between my loved one and me. With my friend, we explore more personal questions that we’re comfortable discussing, but the topics don’t just come up naturally without intention. Personally, Waffle is a safe, personal space where I can lose myself in my thoughts.




Aug 15, 2024

My therapist says this has been very healthy for me

Using waffle with :

My childhood friend

I share Waffle with my childhood friend Alice. We wanted a place to write our honest thoughts, but something we could read each other's words. We initially wanted to write letters to each other, but cost-wise it wasn't realistic. We also thought about buying journals for each other. But at the end of the day, we wanted to read each other’s secret thoughts.

It’s helped me with my memory. I have memory issues, and writing down about my day is helping ground me. My therapist says this has been very healthy for me as well. I’m reviewing my day as it goes by, planning to write in my journal. This is a level of awareness I have not had before. VERY grounding.




Aug 16, 2024

A safe space to share our thoughts without judgment

Using waffle with :

My longtime friend

I share multiple journals with my longtime friend Deyanira and have also created one for my personal use and one for my son. Although my friend and I live very far apart, we have been friends since 2005. We keep each other updated through the journals, which provide a safe space to share our thoughts without judgment.

Waffle offers a better connection between us remotely. I hope to continue this with my son as he gets older. I used to carry a physical journal, but I no longer do so. Deyanira and I rekindled our friendship during the COVID lockdown and realized how much we’ve grown, as well as the ongoing challenges we face. We both experience stress from our work environments and have come to understand that we share some level of anxiety related to our busy lifestyles.




Aug 21, 2024

Document my days and so my long-distance partner can keep up with me and my emotions

Using waffle with :

My long-distance partner

I use Waffle to document my days so my long-distance partner can keep up with me and my emotions, even when we can't talk much.

It's been a huge help in documenting my days and emotions, improving my memory, mental health, and relationship. If I forget to tell my partner something, he can read about it and then ask me. Given my cognitive disabilities, this is a huge deal for us. I struggle to remember things, especially when they’re stressful or emotional.




Aug 23, 2024

Waffle helps clear any confusion and avoid arguments

Using waffle with :

My long-distance partner

Me and my long distance partner use Waffle every day to write about the daily question and our days.

It improves our communication and provides a safe space to rant and complain about anything bothering us, without any argument or blame. It gives us space to explain our points of view and see where the other person is coming from. This helps clear any confusion and avoid arguments that could have started without these types of entries.




Aug 27, 2024

Waffle brings our family closer and stronger

Using waffle with :

My wife and my daughters

Waffle is starting to help us share our feelings and emotions in a safe area where anyone can put anything they want without reprisals or comebacks. I have two teenage daughters who have both struggled emotionally of late and this is a way to try and get them to express themselves more. It's been a struggle to get them to adopt it and use it but they are starting to, which as a family is making us more open and honest with each and tell each either thoughts and feelings that wouldn't normally be shared.




Sep 3, 2024

Form deeper bonds with each other

Using waffle with :

My friends

I use the Waffle app with two of my friends. We use it to stay in touch without spamming the group chat every day. It lets us document the little things in life and go back to enjoy what we've written without scrolling through a million text messages.

It’s made it easier to form deeper bonds. We’re able to express ourselves creatively through words and keep each other updated without feeling like we’re being bothersome. I feel as if we know each other on a deeper level and are able to know what the other is thinking a lot faster.




Sep 7, 2024

Waffle really helped us maintain our emotional connection despite the distance

Using waffle with :

My partner

I use Waffle with my partner. We like answering the prompt questions that appear in our journal. It’s a fun way of staying in touch without texting, and it has helped us stay intimate with each other.

Waffle has really helped my partner and me stay connected and keep our intimacy strong, even though we’re in a long-distance relationship. With the challenges of being apart, it can be tough to feel close to each other, but Waffle makes it easier. We use it to share little moments and keep in touch in ways that go beyond just texting. It’s been great for sending quick updates, sharing experiences, and even just checking in throughout the day.




Sep 7, 2024

A great app with a great purpose

Using waffle with :

My friends

We use Waffle to share poetry and thoughts from the day. It gives us an outlet without sharing our personal journal. Since we don't see each other often, it's very important we stay connected somehow. It's a great app with a great purpose. For us, being interconnected through writing is perfect since we are busy university students and don't have time to call either.




Sep 23, 2024

Keeps us grounded and makes progress easy to track

Using waffle with :

My close friend

My close friend and I use Waffle to document our feelings and track how well we’re staying on top of our self-care goals, like eating well, sleeping, getting outside more, and keeping up with important events.

It keeps us grounded and makes progress easy to track when mental illness clouds the vision of our journey. It's helped us connect and inspired us to stick to our plans more than we would without Waffle's help. While maintaining streaks is difficult due to our schedules, we’re working hard to post a journal entry as soon as we’re free.




Sep 24, 2024

Helped us work through some difficult issues and even improved our bedroom life

Using waffle with :

My partner

Waffle has allowed my partner and me to understand each other better—our communication styles, struggles, and insecurities. It has helped us work through some difficult issues that we couldn't necessarily voice vocally to each other. It has even improved our bedroom life with further understanding of each other's needs and wants.




Oct 3, 2024

Waffle helps me open up in my D/s relationship

Using waffle with :

My husband

My husband and I are in a D/s (Dom/sub) relationship. I'm a little shy, so it's really hard for me to find the courage to tell him about all the things I want to try; not to mention, I've always been a much better writer than speaker. I love that Waffle lets me open up and communicate in a shared digital journal that we can both access whenever we want, and that we can use it to try the things we both agree on (remember, y'all: consent is sexy!).

Our intimacy was great before, but now it's even better! Not only are we trying new things and being more open about what we both like and want to try, but it's so much fun for him to be able to read what I've written and get inspired. It's also great that, in writing it down, I feel like I'm learning more about myself, which is a pretty nice bonus!




Oct 3, 2024

We’re in a long-distance relationship

Using waffle with :

My partner

I share this with my partner who struggles with anxiety and depression, and would like to help show him how journaling and keeping a gratitude journal helped me significantly years ago.

He has struggled keeping a physical journal especially when I don't push him or "nag" him about it everyday, especially because we're in a long-distance relationship. With this app, I see him writing early in the morning when he sees his boys off to school or make breakfast for them. We have so far never missed a day so far - and assured them that it's okay to write the same things over and over in the beginning.




Oct 19, 2024